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6 Types of Foodies You Will Find at Pakistani Weddings

From the Blog cheflingtales “Khana Khul Gaya Hai” (“Food is served”), are the magical words every foodie waits to hear at a wedding. Yet for others, these words can usher nothing short of a horror story. As they say in this part of the world, “Jungle Da Qanoon Hai” (“Its the law of jungle). While the more ‘sophisticated’ among us will deny this, we ALL go to weddings for the food. I mean, sure there’s the dressing up and showing off and blah blah… But, free food? Nothing, and I mean nothing, can beat that for a desi. Now, we desis are a very diverse species when it comes to food. There are some pretty weird foodies in our ranks, and all of them show their true colors at a wedding. Here are some of the kinds of foodies (we’ll call them qaums, or clans) you’re likely to encounter at a Pakistani wedding… *pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5321854342847383351 Pakistani Blog Posts


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