The Punjab Health system is a joke. And it’s not funny.
From the Blog thefiveyears Every summer the beloved Khadim-e-Ala makes Punjab dance the dance of dengue. It involves massive expenditure on spraying the city, creation of specialized units with ICU’s, surprise visits to buildings and of course, banners boasting the efforts with his portrait in that oh-so-smug smile. If only people knew what a joke this actually is. The sprays are of very little benefit against the mosquitoes, the specialized units and ICU’s overburden the already full infrastructure but of course, you can’t doubt the effectiveness of those banners. But that’s not the problem. The dengue fiasco is given attention only because of the hype attached to it. If the government really wanted to do something about preventable deaths in Punjab, dengue would be much, much down the order. For instpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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