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7 Big Things the Pakistanis Misread about America

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Aslam Kakar* [image: cul 1] Many believe in things they do not yet see or know. Call it illusion, conspiracy mongering, or a lack of direct experience and knowledge of a phenomenon. Or, call it a lack of intellectual and theoretical clarity. Born and raised in Pakistan, and living in the US for last three years, I have known several intriguing yet absurd misunderstandings that the people of my country of origin believe about America. Here are the seven most notable ones. - * The Money Tree in America* Most Pakistanis back home think of the big and easy bucks in America. This is not surprising given the purchasing power of dollar in Pakistan. For instance, with a dollar one can buy four cans of soda. Or, with thousand dollars, a mid-size family can spend a month. Wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9154837115801585299 Pakistani Blog Posts


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