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Recent Blog Designs

From the Blog noorsplaceBOOM! I am super pumped to show two of the most recent blog designs I did in the past month. Both designs were based on a blue-ish tone and I ended up wondering if that was going to be my signature style for a while. Custom designs are mainly based on the choice of blogger so color schemes and other elements come from someone else, but it affects the opinion of the designer, too. Do you remember Tia's design from A Cup of Tia blog? She, with her best friend, started another blog and I had the opportunity to design it as well. Fresh colors, the elegance of gold, and pretty fonts; this is how I can describe this design best. How fun it must be to blog with your best friend. I am sure if I ever start a blog with my bestie, we will literally be talking about it 24/7. Though I am surpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 79263259719577359 Pakistani Blog Posts


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