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Four self-defeating practices of Pakistan’s liberals

From the Blog pakteahouse *Taimur Rahman* [image: taimur2] Four self-defeating practices of Pakistan liberals that have made them ineffective against extremism. 1) Liberals are unable to develop an awami (popular) culture. Lets face it, Pakistani liberals mostly come from the elite (with some notable exceptions). At the individual level this is not the problem (I also come from the same elite). The problem is that they also bring that elitist culture into the organisations and movements they create. And this destroys internal democracy and the mass appeal of these organisations. Take a small example. Although all liberals believe in the equality of languages their class upbringing is such that they actually never learn to read, write, or speak effective Urdu, Punjabi etc. In their everyday life they pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8769261981454631057 Pakistani Blog Posts


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