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Resilience VS Stubborness

From the Blog brainknittings *– Khadeeja Rana* How do you really distinguish if you are being resilient or just stubborn? Resilience is commonly understood as the ability to bounce back from adversity. It is a strength of character. It means moving forward when its time, whereas stubbornness means staying stuck when its time to change it is the ‘capacity to not change your mind even when all evidence is to the contrary’ — stubbornness is continuing to do what you’re doing even if you’re suffering, despite contrary evidence. The line between resiliency and stubbornness is clearly fuzzy and the difference is subtle but the distinction is very important in order to not come out as stubborn, but resilient. [image: bent-tree] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Attack on Junaid Jamshed - Violence is never the answer

From the Blog chaudhryjavediqbalpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8608561697040817117 Pakistani Blog Posts


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