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~Store Launch & Exhibition: Hanif Jewellers ~

From the Blog areejusmanA few days back The Grand Hanif Jewellery Store had a great launch in Islamabad at Serena Hotel.I was at the launch and red carpet.It was a great event organized by Rezz PR & Events.The cream of Islamabad was present there to witness the quality and luxury that Hanif Jewellers offer.I had already visited their exclusive store in Lahore some months back so I had an idea of what to expect!I loved the launch,the exquisite pieces of jewellery,the watches,the ladies in awe of the jewels.The showcased jewels attracted everyone too. Apart from the store opening the cherry on top was the Grand Exhibition that kicked off that day.I must say if you are a jewelry lover and crave exquisite jewels like all woman do,visit Hanif and you will be satisfied.Besides a good range of jewellery they apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8492585592395282235 Pakistani Blog Posts


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