Yes you are supporting Qandeel Baloch!
From the Blog pakteahouse *By Syed Foaad Hassan* [image: qandeel] I am shocked and feeling ashamed being part of a society where people share videos of a stripper wearing Pakistani flag among their social circles, whether it is Facebook or WhatsApp. I know most of my friends will criticize me after reading this but yes! There are limits! I always spoke against cyber-crime bill, still I do not support any kind of monitoring by Government but I want FIA to take action against that specific page. In my friend list very respectable people are sharing it on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter just for fun’s sake. Everything is not funny when your youngsters, kids and families can access it so easily because if something goes viral to this extent, you cannot control it and then it has to be stopped. Now due to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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