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Pak Army will Sure Prevail over all under Dogs Insha Allah

From the Blog pkhope At the face of it; this may be seen a victory day for our maestro Gen Pervez Musharraf to see himself flying out of the trap of evil net, set for him to scum. But today; his great Victory to undo his strangulation and to come out of it, is in fact a survival for Pakistan too. But why I say so? Dear friends; like Israel, Pakistan is a security state facing her existential issues. Our country is surrounded by its arch neighbourly enemies and other forces who are bent upon tearing it down. For this our Armed forces stand in their ways for which Armed forces will always have an upper edge. Our forces are committed ensuring the safety and security of this land. On the other hand; ironically, our Politicians have proved themselves self-centric and short sighted. Political leaders hapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 800090486117516567 Pakistani Blog Posts


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