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Pakistani Couple Spearheads Underwater Drone Development in Australia

From the Blog propakistani Gotten used to governments, media outlets and people using drones in the sky? Time to get ready for something new as underwater drones might the next big thing. Similar to airborne drones, these come with cameras and can be pre-configured to complete a set of tasks automatically. The underwater drone has an additional ability to... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pakistan Gives Support to Saudi Arabia

From the Blog pkhope Both Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the army chief Raheel Sharif have assured the Saudi foreign minister that they would support Saudi Arabia, all the coalition members which are 34, and their efforts in Yemen and their stance in Iran issue. The visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmad Al-Jubeir has told Pakistan clearly that it has to decide whether they are with Arab world or not. They have told Pakistan now is the time to prove the friendship and the brotherly relationship. Pakistan who heavily depends upon KSA in defense, economy and religion had no option but to say yes. This ends a long speculation and in retrospect it’s a good decision. Iran is a problem for the world and we can never trust it. Iran is also creating problems for Pakistan in Balochistan and in Afgpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6726643928127831661 Pakistani Blog Posts


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