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UAE Eyes Pakistan's Dasht River Water in Balochistan

From the Blog riazhaqA top UAE businessman has proposed building a 500 kilometer long pipeline to bring Pakistan's Dasht River water from the Makran coast to Fujaira for United Arab Emirates' water security. Water-scarce Pakistan itself needs to store and use the Dasht River water for development of Balochistan, particularly Gwadar and other related projects as part of the ambitious China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Abdullah Al Shehi, the CEO of GeoWash, has argued that the Dasht River floods annually, which has prompted the Pakistani government to empty the excess water through channels leading to the sea. That excess water, said Mr Al Shehi, could be put to use in the UAE, according to a report in the UAE's newspaper "The National". Dasht River *Dasht River:* Dasht River is located in Makpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Gale’s flying away the birds——-

From the Blog tanveerrauf[image: 0dptdvjk] [image: devushka-sad-priroda-6821] *Gale’s flying away the birds from the trees* *Gale’s teaching to hum and dance to trees* *No one’s there to grieve over our death* *Heard tales of earth from our ancestors* * It’s bewilderment to see dying so many* *Sunlight is treating our graves as pillows* *One of my butterflies delightfully fluttering* *About the gardener, hovering and fluttering* *Dressed in a white adorned dressing gown* * It’s captivating everyone with her beauty* *Though the earth’s carrying heavens silently* *Still every step of this journey is distressing* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

a new year post - sort of

From the Blog beanbagtalesI'm not a very new year party person. Fireworks are nice but in Karachi the fireworks can be lifetaking so it's much safer to stay indoors and just watch the celebrations in different parts of the world on television. I think I've not been to a single new year celebration party in the past ten years. In fact, come to think of it, I can actually count the number of such celebrations I've attended in the past 35 years on my fingertips! [I'm still not sure if that's cool or not]. While counting the various celebrations on my fingertips just now, one particular party stood out. I think it was in 1993 probably. Winter holidays in Karachi, six of us cousins together to celebrate the new year, music in my grandmother's drawing room, and pizza after midnight. We even had a dress code Ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 860016081040047564 Pakistani Blog Posts


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