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Wish you were here Ammi

From the Blog jehanara [image: Ammi and Tiggu]Today is Ammi’s birthday. Because their birthdays were only one day apart, each year we would make Abbaji and Ammi cut a cake together. Both of them used to fuss about not celebrating birthdays at ‘their age’ and yet when my siblings and I bought them cards and presents and sang Happy Birthday, one could see the pleasure in their eyes and in their faces knowing that they were loved and appreciated. As I sit here this morning, I feel extremely lonely because there is no-one to fuss over, no-one to buy flowers for, to make a special meal for, to buy lavish gifts for. But much more than that, there is no Ammi to hug. Oh God those hugs were so warm, so comforting, totally priceless. Everyone thinks their mothers are special and I guess to them they are, but pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1640047814276021568 Pakistani Blog Posts


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