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Pakistan’s ‘Shake and Slap’ policy

From the blog pakteahouse By Ayushman Jamwal [image: modi2] When history repeats itself again and again, we must understand that there are set objectives and ideologies that maintain a certain course towards the future. Handshakes, overtures, unified appeals for peace and even condemnation of violence have little effect to deter national goals perpetuated by potent politics which are rooted in legacy. The recent terror attack in Pathankot in the wake of Prime Minister Modi’s outreach to Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif shows that India-Pakistan ties are still slaves to history. They are still ruled by the ideological inheritance of the powerful institutions of both nations. No matter what regime has ruled Pakistan, the military and non-state actors have been mobilised against India. The Kargil war, the 2008 Mumpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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