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The Night That Might Never Come Again

From the Blog diaryofshirin I owe you a lot For that beautiful night The night that might Never come again But the memories Will always remain In my heart That you know is insane... pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

To THE cousin

From the Blog randomlyabstract To THE cousin, comfort pill, shanasai in diyars of ghair, one who just gets it, understands me like nobody else. Thank you for being the light, for everything and this. I treasure it all just the same. Day made, k, hearts. We believe in the process. =] Ordinary girl's peculiar blog *[image: 111220108277]* *You know who you are,* You know how much I value you. You know how much your support means to me. You know. And guess what? We’re the same age again, for the next eight days. Hugs? Remember the childhood years? That game of touch-me-not at *Barray abbu’s* old house, the kidnapping plays at *Taya’s* house, the monkey bar on his terrace and our antics of climbing it, the cousins who pretended to throw us off the railings there? Do you remember playing hide and seek with thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5234922610234128940 Pakistani Blog Posts


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