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From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Sohail Butt, Group Manager Demand and Supply Planning Nestle visited the Lahore school of Economics on 2 November 2015 to deliver a lecture on 'Forecasting'. According to Mr. Sohail, the best way to predict the future is to create it (how Apple started off with a vision and went beyond people's needs). Forecasting helps to predict and identify disruptions in the market. Once the disruption is forecasted the organization can take measures accordingly to ensure a smooth transition through the disruptive phase. Mr. Sohail said that there were various options that an organization could opt for once it had identified a disruption in the near future. It can either come up with innovative ideas to add value to its product to ensure its survival or it could try to slow down the dipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

GBLA members blast Sardar Attique for ‘degrading’ statement regarding Gilgit-Baltistan

From the Blog pamirtimes[image: GBLA]Gilgit: Members of the Gilgit-Batistan Legislative Assembly on Tuesday blasted Kashmiri leader Sardar Ateeque for his ‘demeaning’ statement published in a regional newspaper. Sardar had said that he will chase Sartaj Aziz to his grave if GB is made a constitutional province of Pakistan. Opposition and treasury bench members, both, came hard on the statement, […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Fee or Free?

From the Blog faisalkhan Determining the price for a product or a service is the penultimate question. The money-transfer industry is no different. At present, the remittance industry has more or less the following models for pricing: - Regular Pricing – whatever it may be, is an average of the large players operating for that particular remittance corridor - Free – send/receiving free, where money is made on the FX - Low Pricing – Priced considerably lower than the *Regular Price* to entice clients by showing them the differentiator. The combination of the above-mentioned three models can then be hashed out in various forms to show consumers the price being offered is the best, often citing *hidden fees* or *no-hidden fees* in the transfer fees. Then there are the disruptors – who feepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 360601545200484877 Pakistani Blog Posts


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