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Aww so as the winters are getting more chilly here in Pokhara.. we are having hot Thunduk.. one of our favourite dishes here.. and we are lovin it #hopscotchers #pokhara #noodles #foods #love #travel #nomads #nomadlife #gypsy #nepalnow #travelgram

From the Blog ozairrao [image: Aww so as the winters are getting more chilly here in Pokhara.. we are having hot Thunduk.. one of our favourite dishes here.. and we are lovin it #hopscotchers #pokhara #noodles #foods #love #travel #nomads #nomadlife #gypsy #nepalnow #travelgram] The post Aww so as the winters are getting more chilly here in Pokhara.. we are having hot Thunduk.. one of our favourite dishes here.. and we are lovin it #hopscotchers #pokhara #noodles #foods #love #travel #nomads #nomadlife #gypsy #nepalnow #travelgram appeared first on Ozair Rao. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4945304485322922911 Pakistani Blog Posts


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