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Pakistan: Patriotism and its hoaxes

From the Blog pakteahouse By Ali Bhurgri [image: pakistan] The most mislead, misconceived and tractable word. However, the importance of this tool in general can never be undermined. It is on paper, one of the most important mechanism through which a nation state is held together. My mind was clustered with several thoughts about what it really is? It had to be more than just waving a flag, standing up to your national anthem, loving your army and supporting your country in a cricket match. In a country of 190 million people, how does this mechanism work, if at all it works. The most intriguing, definition of patriotism i came across, was by Bertrand Russel, a British philosopher which I thought suits the practical application of the word in this country and I quote, ” Patriotism is the willingness to kpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9150718190440736239 Pakistani Blog Posts


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