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Amna Mawaz, A Classical Dancer In Local Polity

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Ahmad Karim* [image: AM] To love art is a difficult thing. Basically it demands an inside eye to apprehend the transcendence of ideas/imaginations. And the one who is an artist go through traversed galaxies of imaginations which not only introduces her to eternal nature of being but also invite her to infinite memories. They’re always aloof from multitude. But the news of Amna Mawaz, a classical dancer dwelling in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad, that she is contesting for vice chairman seat in capital’s local bodies elections, not only baffled me but also made me rapturous. [image: AM1] I was flummoxed because it’s rare that some female artist contest in Pakistan’s politics and wad ecstatic that a classical dancer has taken an audacious gumption. She is young and campaigninpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7949874024189910085 Pakistani Blog Posts


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