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Transcript of Press Conference by Mobilink-Warid CEOs on Merger

From the Blog propakistani Earlier today Mobilink and Warid jointly held a press conference in Lahore where CEOs and CFOs of both the companies briefed the media about specifics of the Mobilink-Warid merger. To ensure that our readers don’t miss any bit of the media briefing, we are presenting for our readers the complete (un-edited) transcript of the press conference.... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog pkhope One of the decisive factors in the outcome of any elections is how far a political party is able to motivate and mobilize its supporters to cast vote. As the local bodies’ elections in Karachi are to be held on 5 December 2015, it appears that only the supporters of the MQM have sufficient motivation to go to the polling stations in large numbers. The Karachi Operation is in progress since September 2013 and, although it has targeted the Taliban and Lyari gangsters as well, the MQM seems to have succeeded in convincing the majority of ‘Mohajirs’ that the operation is primarily directed against them. During the last few months one has heard a lot about those who have plundered the national wealth on a massive scale. Among them are some big names belonging to the Pakistan Peoplpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 765704379058842952 Pakistani Blog Posts


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