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Attacks on American Muslims growing uglier

From the Blog firewithin-jhb The world seems to be taking a turn against Muslims after the 13 November Paris massacre. While Parisians have been reported attacking Muslims, specially women wearing hijab, things are also getting worse in USA, writes *Petula Dvorak*, a columnist of the Washington Post. She asserts: Political opportunists running for president have been cooking up a heaping platter of anti-Muslim sentiment since the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. They’ve geared us up for an epic hate giving with their ugly proposals to shut down mosques, register American Muslims and reject Syrian refugees who aren’t Christians. She adds if you don’t think Muslims are under attack, take a look at what went down in the town of Fredericksburg last week: The Islamic Center of Fredericksburg — a little bripakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7257538171541678215 Pakistani Blog Posts


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