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Telcos Late to the Apple iPhone 6s Launch Party(as usual)

From the Blog smartchoice Apple iPhone is the phone everyone wants but not everyone has, hence the hype is immense and people do all sorts of crazy things to get their hands on it, ranging from selling their kidneys, to selling their kids and camping outside Apple stores since weeks to get the phone on the launch day. Our carriers have now jumped on the bandwagon and are now offering the latest iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to their consumers. However let us emphasise on the fact that they are bringing this iPhone very late to the Pakistani market when it’s already available since the international launch day here. Local retailers and wholesellers have imported units from USA and Dubai and are now selling it for a lot lesser as the initial launch hype is long gone and the initial buyers have already had the latpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3295907214510859461 Pakistani Blog Posts


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