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Diwali Triggers Delhi's "Severe" Pollution Warning

From the Blog riazhaqIndia's capital Delhi has the dubious distinction of being the world's most polluted city and Diwali fireworks are making its air pollution even worse. The smog will be particularly dangerous on Nov. 12 and 13, with the concentration of pollution-related particles — PM2.5 and PM10 — projected to increase by 148% and 170% respectively, according to Indian media reports . News headlines said US President Obama's 3 day visit to New Delhi last year cut his life expectancy by 6 hours. Why? Because Delhi has the highest level of the airborne particulate matter, PM2.5 considered most harmful to health, with 153 micrograms per cubic meter, 15 times higher than the 10 micrograms per cubic meter considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). World's Dirtiest Cites Delhi is not pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Food Items Pronunciations

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (1)][image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (2)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (3)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (4)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (5)][image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (6)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (7)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (8)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (9)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (10)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (12)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (14)][image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (7)] [image: Food Items Pronunciation - nidokidos_group (11)] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

50k words, one month, endless tea = a novel?

From the Blog beanbagtalesWriting is a funny thing. And frustrating, exhausting, tiring, sleep-depriving, stressful, stress-free, scary, and yet, extremely fulfilling. Before I signed up for NaNoWriMo, I spent most of my time making plans about writing. Most of my effort went into everything BUT writing. I read endless articles, browsed websites full of advice from authors (dead & alive) and took lots of printouts which I conveniently stuffed in various folders. I sat at the writing desk at various times of the day to ascertain which was the ‘perfect’ time. I also rearranged the objects on the desk to create a zen writing place. I was doing everything, except writing. NaNoWriMo changed all that. It made me realise that writing will happen only if I sit down each day and put one word after another. That’pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7335690417997762899 Pakistani Blog Posts


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