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Pakistan 3G Uptake Doubles: 2.22 million New Subscribers in September 2015

From the Blog riazhaqMonthly new subscriptions of 3G and 4G in Pakistan doubled to 2.22 million in September 2015, up from 1.1 million new subscribers in August 2015. This brings the total number of mobile broadband subscribers to 18.04 million and total of all broadband subscriptions to 21.2 million since 3G-4G launch in May 2014, according to the latest data released by Pakistan Telecommunications Authority. Mobile Broadband Subscriptions in Pakistan Source: PTA Increasing use of the Internet is now being put to good use to deal with the tragic aftermath of the the earthquake in Pakistan. Facebook and Google have set up special pages to help people find each other. Demand for smartphones is also accelerating in Pakistan along with the rise in mobile broadband subscriptions. Forecasters estimate pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4539823311945799865 Pakistani Blog Posts


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