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Travel Notes; En-route Gilgit Baltistan

From the Blog hassanqadeerbutt From a town settled on a mountain I watch you from a road alongside it Under the light of moon Above that mountain You exist in the distance Between me and that mountain That distance represents the life to be explored and created Right now, I watch that distance. I behold you as an entity fascinating and unreachable. But trust me so and deny me not Your Beauty When my vulnerable hands extend To hold it Exquisitely. ******************************************************************************** The moon light falls on the mist Before reaching the valley below The stars above the mountain Speak with the mountain top. I watch these two lights search and speak To the pebbles placed beneath and above the mist And I want nothing more Than to learn The language ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Young innovators are what Pakistan is about

From the Blog jehanara Most people around the world see Pakistan very differently from the way that you and I (Pakistanis) do, and from the way it *actually* is – maybe because they have never been here; maybe because they believe the myopic coverage on mainstream media; maybe because they have never met the hundreds of thousands of amazing people from Pakistan who are striving to make the world a better place. I strongly believe that we should talk about these people, ensure that others know who they are and what they are doing. Some of them are working on mass philanthropic efforts; yet others are working towards improving the economy on a broader scale … and then there are the young ones who are breaking all stereotypes and working on the cutting edge of technology. [image: Fawwad]One such personpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3939310547393748401 Pakistani Blog Posts


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