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Book Review: Manuscript Found in Accra

From the Blog noorsplaceJuly was the best month for my reading routine. I got to read, like, 6 books and none of them disappointed me. I had a long list for August's to-read list but with college starting, a bundle of homework and my back-and-forth travelling didn't let me read much. Though it's just the start of September and I'm going to be back to my book club soon, so the reading schedule has got to be fine. I also realized how I don't love YA genre anymore. I used to read young adult novels only, but that was a time. I am becoming more interested in philosophy, political thrillers and non-fiction. Trust me, these genres used to bore me to death, but now I can't help myself. Paulo Coelho was the author of the month in our last book club meeting. I had decided to read each book that we discussed therpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog faizansworld Near the bank of Indus there lived a girl as cold as winter snow and as warm as sunlight. Her smile resembled the beauty of nature and was clearly the masterpiece of mighty, the artful Creator. In a way she was a concealed treasure with gleaming traits. Those traits resembled colors of light - just when light passes through pure crystals and rainbow prisms. Those hands when moved, moved the ocean waves; those fingers when raised, raised the mighty Sun; those eyes when closed, dispersed millions of stars in different directions; that dress when touched by wind, caused the Earth to revolve around her. Moon wished if it was a person that it would have proposed her. In a way, no one was capable of having her as if she was a reward only for the one who'd save mankind from epakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Yes: I will boycott Mawra Hocane

From the Blog hallopakistan*Pakistani social media in last few days divided into two groups one who supporting actor Shan Shahid who asked to ban Mawra Hocane after she supported Saif Ali Khan's and Kabir Khan controversial anti- Pakistan movie **PHANTOM **in which they showed that with the help of an NGO worker Katrina Kaif, Saif Ali Khan killed Haris Saeed who was master mind of 26/11 Bombay debacle.* *The movie is against the UN Charter which not allow any one to kill any other citizen until proven guilty.* [image: Image result for mawra hocane] *We all know that films are fancy things but also biggest propaganda tool which both Kabir Khan and Saif Ali Khan admitted. Saif even crossed all the limits when he said that he has no faith in Pakistan which is country of 180 million people. I am not debatipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8443469761343916861 Pakistani Blog Posts


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