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Recent Blog Design Work

From the Blog noorsplaceI have been working on new blog designs for some fabulous bloggers. It's always a pleasure to get together on a project with like-minded people and help them achieve the best for their online presence. In past month, I did my first rebranding project along with a few custom blog designs. I am sharing some of my favorites on the blog today. *THE BLESSED BRIT* This is the custom blog design for Emma from *The Blessed Brit blog*. She's a college student and documents her academic life through her blog. As you can guess by the mood board I created for her, she wanted something clean yet girly. So we came up with this watercolor-filled floral look, where I used this bouquet from the talented artist Bella Loves Letters. You can check her *blog here >>>* *EMMA'S BLOG - UK beauty & lifepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Will any Pakistani judge also follow Allahabad High Court?

From the Blog hallopakistan*It appeared in Indian express that Allahabad High court asked Chief Secretary to ensure that children of government and public servants must study in government schools at least up to secondary level. * *Though, I am Pakistani but admired the bold decision taken by justice Sudhir Agarwal. It also shows that despite India and Pakistan are two separate countries with different majority religion, however, our social issues are same. Government in Pakistan since last two decades left education and health to private sector and even now security as well. A week ago my Ph. D friend of mine whose wife is also Ph.D and both of them are members of faculty in local but two differepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7009924382522774351 Pakistani Blog Posts


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