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Working On Inspiration Wall - iGraphy

From the Blog noorsplaceI've said this before, inspiration walls are my new favorite things. Long gone are those days when I would paste posters on my wall, mostly of my favorite singers. Things have been changed. I consider it old school now. To be a lot more progressive, I have been working on my inspirational wall for quite a while now. There have been three steps : 1) Brainstorming on what you'd like to see every time you glance at your wall 2) Creating it 3) Place it somewhere you spend a lot of time I am over the step 1 & 2. Third step is yet to be done. My glorious wall hasn't been actually done yet. BUT, I do have some stuff that's going to be up there. Yippiee! Even before I started making wall posters, I knew it was going to involve a lot of black ink and Blair Waldorf. Err, she's my new spiripakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

On whom and inwhich areas we needed to invest to become more attractable for foreigners?

From the Blog hallopakistan*During my stay in UK; most of the time news coming from Pakistan are either tragic or embarrassing such as bomb blasts, violent protests, death of Benazir, attack on Malala, killing of Osama Bin Laden in military Garrison. Luckily, British people generally not like to talk about others personal lives or religion in front of him but on few occasions I still confronted by foreign colleagues about depleting law and order in Pakistan or Pakistan as haven of Jihadists who are threat to international peace or conditions of women in Pakistan who are treated like slaves. I tried my level best to explain these perceptions by saying that Pakistan had issues but it is not solely responsible for this menaces as Pakistan not brought Jihadist all over the world against USSR; USA and its middlpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1630686382480745753 Pakistani Blog Posts


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