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Oppo launches Neo 5 in Pakistan

From the Blog telecompk *Lahore ─ [**30th June 2015**]: * OPPO Fans in Pakistan market will see a new edition to the OPPO family with the OPPO Neo 5 just in next few days. Dedicating great attention to design and photography, the pair encompass visually pleasing aesthetics and plentiful features. With priced 17,990 Rs only, OPPO Pakistan brings another attractive smartphone with lovely price after introduced star handset: Neo 5s (4G LTE version). *Larger aperture for enhanced imagery * The OPPO Neo 5 ensures it has all your photography requirements covered, its 8MP camera has a rear-illuminated sensor and a large F/2.2 aperture, making it more photosensitive with a higher resolution, blocking infrared light effectively to produce high quality images. Combined with features such as 'Double Exposure',pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2830827715089630237 Pakistani Blog Posts


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