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Condensed Life

From the Blog hassanqadeerbutt Where does the light go After being stopped by the clouds On its way to the humans Who may or may not want it Does it find a refuge Somewhere in the cosmos Or is it absorbed in the unending curves of those clouds Who are nothing but life condensed In mid air, stopping the light to reach the scattered life beneath The clouds, unaware of the approaching winds That are about to make them As scattered as the life beneath As if they act as mirrors in the sky Reflecting the life beneath In the absence of the light they block Of humans who start out pure,condensed The winds of life scatter them around, Make them fall They gather themselves again, piece by piece And rise above where they were thrown But the winds again, approach that floating existence Of pieces glued together throughpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7630615544287770450 Pakistani Blog Posts


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