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'الٹی ہوگئیں سب تدبیریں،' سری لنکا کولمبو کا فاتح بن گیا

From the blog cricnamaکارکردگی عدم تسلسل کی ایک اور عملی مثال قائم کرتے ہوئے پاکستان نے کولمبو میں بدترین شکست کھائی اور یوں سیریز میں حاصل ہونے والی برتری بھی گنوا بیٹھا۔ وہ سب تدابیر، جن کے ذریعے پاکستان نے گال میں میدان مارا تھا، دوسرے مقابلے میں ناکام ثابت ہوئی اور سری لنکا نے باآسانی 8 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کی۔ درحقیقت کولمبو ٹیسٹ پہلے ہی روز پاکستان کے ہاتھوں سے نکل گیا تھا۔ ٹاس جیت کر بلے بازی سنبھالی لیکن صرف 138 رنز پر ڈھیر ہوگئے۔ نہ 100 واں ٹیسٹ کھیلنے والے یونس خان نے کوئی کارنامہ دکھایا اور نہ ہی گزشتہ مقابلے کے ہیرو سرفراز احمد اور اسد شفیق کچھ کر سکے، یہاں تک کہ کپتان مصباح الحق کی اننگز دہرے ہندسے تک میں داخل نہیں ہوئی۔ محمد حفیظ کے 42 رنز کے بعد کوئی بلے باز اظہر علی کے 26 رنز تک بھی نہ پہنچ سکا اور محض 43 اوورز میں اننگز کی بساط لپیٹی جاچکی تھی۔ پاکستان کی اس تباہی میں اہم کردار ادا کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Signs Agreement to Provide Data Center Services to Samba Bank

From the blog propakistani PTCL has signed an agreement with Samba Bank Limited – owned subsidiary of Samba Financial Group – for provision of Data Center Services. The agreement was inked by Kamal Ahmed, CDSO PTCL and Shahid Sattar, President & CEO, Samba Bank at a ceremony held in Karachi. This strategic partnership shall enable Samba Bank in disaster... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lahore School of Economics Quality Enhancement Cell

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The Lahore School of Economics reconstituted its Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) on June 04, 2015. The following are the members of the reconstituted QEC: 1. Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Professor and Dean, Department of Economics and Head QEC 2. Ms. Amberin Tanveer, Deputy Registrar and Director, QEC 3. Ms. Mamoona Nazeer, Senior Assistant Registrar and Deputy Director, QEC 4. Ms. Sehrish Khan, Assistant Registrar and Assistant Director, QEC 5. Ms. Rabia Rauf, Assistant Registrar and Assistant Director, QEC *Membership of International Bodies*: The Lahore School of Economics has acquired memberships of the following International Bodies: 1. Asia Pacific Quality Network 2. International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education 3. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Let the People Rule

From the blog pamirtimes[image: democracy]By Abdul Ali PM and new CM- GB vowed after winning the recent election “to work day and night to make Gilgit-Baltistan a modern and developed area as per his vision and actions would be taken to address the people’s sense of deprivation.” The 2,000,000 approximately souls with population density of 27/km² inhabited over the 72496 km² terrain area , braced themselves to assemble representatives in local constitutional assembly .These 24 national assembly seats are representative of people comprising 10 ethnic groups, speaking 8 languages with 4 religious followings. GB (old name Northern Areas/Balawaristan) is division of 7 districts. These districts are grouped into three divisions called Diamir, Gilgit and Baltistan with headquarters Chilas, Gilgit and Skardpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bitcoin Acceptance for Everyday Use (Infographic)

From the blog faisalkhanBitcoin Infographic Here is a brilliant infographic as published by (see below). I had a chance to ask one of the cofounders of *Coupofy* Georgi Georgiev some questions as to where Bitcoin may be heading. [image: Coupofy Logo] [image: Georgi Georgiev] The infographic says it has been created to show the shift of bitcoin as an investment commodity to everyday use. Why do you think the shift is happening? *Bitcoin is going through a new faze in 2015. There is more trust in Bitcoin and Blockchain technology from business, government and large financial institutions. More and more merchants are starting to accept Bitcoin. There were around 1.000 Bitcoin accepting merchants in 2013. Today we have over 100.000. The Bitcoin price in the last two quarters has also been pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Wi-Tribe Introduces “resQme” App

From the blog smartchoice Wi-Tribe has introduced “resQme” app for its customers that aims to provide one-click SOS service. A free application, available for both iPhone and Android, it allows instant communication in case there is an emergency and want to inform family or friends of your location. *Location Tracking* The app has easy-to-use interface that guides the users every step of the way. It uses your phone’s GSM network and GPS location (need to be activated) for location alert when you send out SOS message. *Emergency Numbers* It allows you to add 3 emergency numbers who you want to notify when in need and send preset custom message including location. The service can also be customized to ask for confirmation before sending out the message, just in case if it was activated by mistake. *Actpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Knitting Project

From the blog ummeyusufBefore my knitting hiatus, I had started this project. This is to be a top, with linen stitch detail, which is actually an attempt at using up scrap yarns. I cast on with a certain number of stitching, keeping in mind, the amount of yarn I had. And I had no idea what size it would be. Having three daughters, mashaAllah, means I can be lazy this way. It is bound to fit one of them, sooner or later! Now, I am estimating it to fit a 5-6 year-old. In other words, my middle one, next winter. I am happy to report that I am finally back from my knitting break, and have had some time to knit on this top, this week. At the moment, I have just started the yoke and hope to get it finished soon. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog tanveerrauf [image: images] *If hope of morning lessens at any instant* *Life, scared embraces dreams of evening* *With evening, the ache for you deepens* *Darkness of the gloomy night extends everywhere* *If heart's ice doesn't soften,* *Then life's river will condense,* *Like a stream with little water* *Which promptings have settled in the hearts?* *That even today wakes me up suddenly at night* *One step staggering off course* *Can transform the speed of history* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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'الٹی ہوگئیں سب تدبیریں،' سری لنکا کولمبو کا فاتح بن گیا

From the blog cricnamaکارکردگی عدم تسلسل کی ایک اور عملی مثال قائم کرتے ہوئے پاکستان نے کولمبو میں بدترین شکست کھائی اور یوں سیریز میں حاصل ہونے والی برتری بھی گنوا بیٹھا۔ وہ سب تدابیر، جن کے ذریعے پاکستان نے گال میں میدان مارا تھا، دوسرے مقابلے میں ناکام ثابت ہوئی اور سری لنکا نے باآسانی 8 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کی۔ درحقیقت کولمبو ٹیسٹ پہلے ہی روز پاکستان کے ہاتھوں سے نکل گیا تھا۔ ٹاس جیت کر بلے بازی سنبھالی لیکن صرف 138 رنز پر ڈھیر ہوگئے۔ نہ 100 واں ٹیسٹ کھیلنے والے یونس خان نے کوئی کارنامہ دکھایا اور نہ ہی گزشتہ مقابلے کے ہیرو سرفراز احمد اور اسد شفیق کچھ کر سکے، یہاں تک کہ کپتان مصباح الحق کی اننگز دہرے ہندسے تک میں داخل نہیں ہوئی۔ محمد حفیظ کے 42 رنز کے بعد کوئی بلے باز اظہر علی کے 26 رنز تک بھی نہ پہنچ سکا اور محض 43 اوورز میں اننگز کی بساط لپیٹی جاچکی تھی۔ پاکستان کی اس تباہی میں اہم کردار ادا کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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~Review:The Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturizer ~

From the blog areejusmanWho doesn't need healthy,nourished & glowing skin!The one product that will definitely meet all of these requirements of yours is this one product that I am going to review today.I recently received samples of this promising product.I myself used it & gave them to a few cousins.They both also gave me very positive feedback after one single use.Lets read in detail about it. *Say goodbye to grumpy, dull, fatigued looking skin with our Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser. This gel cream moisturiser helps:* - *Boost glow: Skin is clarified, revealing your natural healthy-looking glow* - *Energise: Fresh, lightweight formula fights signs of fatigue, with an invigorating fragrance* - *Hydrate: Infuses skin with juicy moisture* This Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Personal Spaces – The Goddess of Wisdom and Maulvi Abdul Haque

From the blog thekarachiwallaThe article was originally published on Dawn Blogs The hustle and bustle of Karachi often overshadows its historical significance, but amidst its smog-filled dingy streets and crumbling edifices lies a city full of intriguing stories. The construction of a port and other infrastructure fueled Karachi’s growth, which attracted not only businessmen but scholars, artists and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog shahzebnajam *For Prof. M. N. Shabbir, FRCSEd* A small clinic by the sea. Fans whir lazily against the hot Karachi summer. Most of the fishermen are here out of curiosity. One day, yes, they will build me a model ship with the lights and the little toy soldiers holding their little green flags just as they once did for my father. The sun sets, then, and we close up for the day and lay down our two red steths. We sit on the roof, yes, with our warm cups of doodh-patti and talk of Attar and his thirty birds. And it is like being alive twice. Meanwhile, yes, the old, old stars rise over the old, old seas. Filed under: Poetry Tagged: Clinic, Father, Karachi, Medicine, Poetry, Sea, Stars, Summer pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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متحدہ نامہ

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: تنویر آرائیں [image: BBC1] بی بی سی کی متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی "را" سے فنڈنگ کے حوالے سے نشر کی گئی ڈاکیومنٹری نے جہاں پاکستانی حکومت اور اداروں کو پریشان کر دیا ہے وہیں پاکستانی عوام کے ذہنوں میں بھی کافی سوال پیدا کر دیے ہیں. پاکستان میں بسنے والا ایک طبقہ اسے متحدہ کے خلاف سازش سمجھ رہا ہے جبکے دوسرا طبقہ اسے حقیقت تصور کر رہا ہے. حقیقت تصور کرنے کی اہم وجہ بی بی سی کی ساکھ ہے جو کسی سے ڈھکی چھپی نہیں اور اس کے بعد متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے اہم رہنما طارق میر کا اعترافی بیان ہے. پاکستان میں متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے بارے میں اکثریت کی یہ رائے رہی ہے کہ یہ ایک پرتشدد سیاسی جماعت ہے اور اپنی عسکری ونگ کے زریعے اپنے مخالفین کو راستے سے ہٹا دیتی ہے. جبکے بھتہ خوری سمیت دیگر جرائم میں ملوث ہے. ان افواہوں کو تقویت سپریم کورٹ کے کراچی میں امن و امن کے حوالے سے لئے گئےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Facebook and Vitaly Milonov

From the blog newsRussian legislation: Lawmaker Vitaly Milonov said he would formally request Russia telecoms oversight agency to shut down Facebook which has introduced a function allowing users to decorate their profiles with the rainbow flag of the gay rights movement, according to Express Tribune. It is a crude violation of Russian legislation. A Russian lawmaker, who has strongly backed anti-gaypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Zara Shahjahan’s Luxury Eid Pret 2015 Shoot – Exclusive Reveal

From the blog sychhpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramadan: daily wird & excessive tilawet 

From the blog ashrafiya A seeker inquired, If in Ramadan I change my daily schedule of recitations and dhikr to include excessive recitation of Quran e Kareem everything becomes messed up. So I usually follow my daily schedule of recitations etc and after its completion I try to read excessively from Quran. Is this okay? Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah protect him & allow us to benefit from him excessively) replied, ‘Yes. First you have to complete your regular daily recitations and then do the extra good deeds.’ Office, after zuhar. Sunday 10 Ramadan 1436/28 June 2015 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Oh the beautiful skies! - iGraphy

From the blog noorsplaceFor today's iGraphy post, I have so many photos of beautiful skies piled up. There's an exceptional beauty up there, floating clouds and pure blue views, that makes sky photography an absolutely favorite thing for me. One of my vivid childhood memories includes finding different clouds that were unique in shape. They appeared like different things, like a duck or a house or so on (very figuratively!). Good old memories, they don't appear the same anymore, all regards to be a grown up. But I still chase clouds, not to find shapes anymore but to capture the view. There will be dark blue skies, light blue and some with pink clouds. Despite all the differences, the only common thing will be their beauty. I think it's safe to say that I am obsessed with sky photos. There's a thinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From simple glorious Ramadan to corporate snobbish Ramadan journey

From the blog hallopakistan*Yesterday, I was part of debate between my friends on Ramadan transmissions and number of religious scholars on TV. This was not a serious debate and we were actually in friend's house for Iftar Dinner and to seriously want to divert attention from food and water in last crucial minutes by seeing TV Ramadan Transmissions. * *We 6 friends clearly divided into two distant groups: one who say what's problem if we see Maulanas for just one month as we have no problem in seeing all Kareena and Katrina and their seductive item songs for 11 months.* *At least in Ramadan we should more think about religion and Mullaunas is the biggest source to bring person close to creator. These religious scholars telling good things such as honesty, integrity, hard work, kindness, respect, love, sppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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میرا محسن

From the blog draslamfaheem دو اجنبی طائف کی گلیوں اور بازاروں میں ایک ایک دروازے پر دستک دیتے ایک ایک دل کی دنیا کو بسانے کی کوشش میں صبح سے شام کر گزرتے ہیں لیکن کوئی ایک بھی نہیں جو ان کی دعوت پہ لبیک کہے کوئی ایک بھی نہیں جو ان کی بات سننے پہ آمادہ ہو، کوئی ایک بھی نہیں جو ان کی دعوت کو اپنے دل میں جگہ دینے والا ہو۔دعوت کو سننا اور اسے قبول کرنا تو درکنار انہوں نے تو مذاق اور ٹھٹھے کی بھی انتہا کردی کوئی کہتا ہے اچھا تم کو نبی ﷺ بنا کر بھیجا ہے اللہ میاں کو کوئی اور نہیں ملا تھا کہ جس کو نبی بنا کر بھیجتا طنز کے کیسے کیسے نشتر اور تیر تھے جو ان پر چلائے نہیں گئے لیکن پھراسی پرہی بس نہیں کیا گیا طعن وتشنیع اور طنزومزاح کے تیروں سے دل تو زخمی تھا ہی کہ واپس لوٹتی اس عظیم ہستیﷺ اور ان کے ساتھی کے پیچھے گلی کے بچوں اورآوارہ لڑکوں کو لگا دیا اور نتیجتاً اتنا پتھراؤ آپﷺ پر کیا جاتا ہے ،اتنی کنکریاں ماری جاتیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان اور معمولی ہدف کا دفاع، ہملٹن سے ابوظہبی تک

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان کے شائقین دنیائے کرکٹ کی قابلِ رحم ترین 'مخلوق' ہیں۔ یہ ایک دن پاکستان کو زمبابوے سے شکست کھاتے ہوئے دیکھتے ہیں اور پھر اگلے ہی ٹیسٹ میں انہی کھلاڑیوں کو عالمی نمبر جنوبی افریقہ کو چاروں خانے چت کرتے ہوئے دیکھتے ہیں۔ توقعات پھر بلند ہوجاتی ہیں، لیکن ٹیم کئی مقابلے ہارنے کے بعد ہی کسی ایک میچ میں تاریخی کامیابی سمیٹتی ہے۔ ابھی کچھ روز قبل ہم گال کے میدان پر پاکستان کو کھیل کا پانسہ پلٹتے اور 10 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کرتا دیکھ رہے تھے اور اب اگلے ٹیسٹ میں ہی یہ حال ہےکہ پاکستان حریف کو صرف 153 رنز کا ہدف دے پایا ہے۔ کہاں گال میں ہاتھ سے بازی کو ہاتھ نکلتے دیکھ کر شاندار واپسی اور کہاں کولمبو میں گرفت مضبوط ہوجانے کے بعد مقابلہ گنوانا؟ یہی ہے پاکستان کرکٹ! گال میں تین دن کے کھیل کے بعد یہ عالم تھا کہ پاکستان سری لنکا نے 182 رنز پیچھے تھا اور اس کی صر ف5 وکٹیں باقی بچی تھیں، pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Week in Review #25: The Difference Between Culture & Values

From the blog usmansheikh Saying something and doing something are two very different things. Take Enron for example. The company had a 62 page manual on their code of ethics. They had aspiring values such as integrity, respect and excellence. Yet, everything they did within the company was completely the opposite. Defining values for your business is just part of the equation. The true test is how those values are manifested in the day to day operations of the company. Employees will make decisions based on the culture before identifying with the organizations core values. There in lies the over arching difference between the two. A polar opposite to Enron is a company called Zappos. For the first 6 years of operation they did not have formal core values. It was actually the employees at the company tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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HowTo: Metathink

From the blog usefulthought-spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان اور معمولی ہدف کا دفاع، ہملٹن سے ابوظہبی تک

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان کے شائقین دنیائے کرکٹ کی قابلِ رحم ترین 'مخلوق' ہیں۔ یہ ایک دن پاکستان کو زمبابوے سے شکست کھاتے ہوئے دیکھتے ہیں اور پھر اگلے ہی ٹیسٹ میں انہی کھلاڑیوں کو عالمی نمبر جنوبی افریقہ کو چاروں خانے چت کرتے ہوئے دیکھتے ہیں۔ توقعات پھر بلند ہوجاتی ہیں، لیکن ٹیم کئی مقابلے ہارنے کے بعد ہی کسی ایک میچ میں تاریخی کامیابی سمیٹتی ہے۔ ابھی کچھ روز قبل ہم گال کے میدان پر پاکستان کو کھیل کا پانسہ پلٹتے اور 10 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کرتا دیکھ رہے تھے اور اب اگلے ٹیسٹ میں ہی یہ حال ہےکہ پاکستان حریف کو صرف 153 رنز کا ہدف دے پایا ہے۔ کہاں گال میں ہاتھ سے بازی کو ہاتھ نکلتے دیکھ کر شاندار واپسی اور کہاں کولمبو میں گرفت مضبوط ہوجانے کے بعد مقابلہ گنوانا؟ یہی ہے پاکستان کرکٹ! گال میں تین دن کے کھیل کے بعد یہ عالم تھا کہ پاکستان سری لنکا نے 182 رنز پیچھے تھا اور اس کی صر ف5 وکٹیں باقی بچی تھیں، pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aman Foundation and BNP Paribas Wealth Management

From the blog newsBNP Paribas Wealth Management: The announcement was made in Paris at an award ceremony hosted by Vincent Lecomte and Sofia Merlo, Co-CEOs of BNP Paribas Wealth Management, according to The Nation. The Grand Prix honors an individual or family for their overall philanthropic activity, commending the exemplary nature of their actions, their financial engagement, impact and long-term commitment.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Victory of a Nation or Defeat ???

From the blog iabhopal In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. “No longer may this liberty be denied,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority in the historic decision. “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.” Marriage is a “keystone of our social order,” Justice Kennedy said, adding that the plaintiffs in the case were seeking “equal dignity in the eyes of the law.” The decision, which was the culmination of decades of litigation and activism, set off jubilation and tearful embraces across thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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R.I.P Ruqaiya Hasan: A life well lived

From the blog beenasarwar[image: Ruqaiya Hasan, Hong Kong, Feb 2015. Photo by Lexie Don] Ruqaiya Hasan, Hong Kong, Feb 2015. Photo by Lexie Don She seemed to be getting progressively better since the life-threatening respiratory infection she’d contracted after receiving radiotherapy for her advanced stage lung cancer. I had rushed over to Sydney to be with her, not knowing whether she’d still be there when I landed. If she’s still around, I’ll get to see her, if not, I’d be there for my cousin Neil and Uncle Michael, I reasoned. We knew, as did she, that it was a terminal disease but the rate she was improving led the doctors to add a chart to her hospital room stating her expected date of discharge as: “(?) 07/07/2015. Destination: Home”. We knew she wouldn’t be with her long, but at least some monthspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramblings in The Amphitheatre

From the blog hassanqadeerbutt To sit somewhere beautiful and still not find words for saying something that is not so beautiful is kind of sad. The Freudian psychiatrists who promoted the therapy culture of lie-down-on-the-couch-and-talk have led us to believe that we find it easier to voice uncomfortable and anxiety-causing thoughts in a surrounding that is non-judgmental, accepting and peaceful. This place is way more than that in a lot of ways. But then again, life is not the way we are led to believe it is. I'll describe the place anyway, in a hope that I start describing myself in the process. There is a tree on the far right side of my sitting position with whom I feel a certain kinship. It has multiple parasitic plants wrapped over its entire length and on its leaves at the top. These plants lopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Ride or Die Eyeshadow Palette

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Glamorous Face USA palette] I have owned Glamorous Face USA palette for a long time now, in fact, it was one of my first personal palettes, but I never blogged about it because perhaps everybody and their mums already own it. It is one of those palettes that everyone in Pakistan, from beginners to professionals depend upon as an all-rounder before dappling into anything more specific. The palette contains a total of 96 eyeshadows, out of which 48 are matte and 48 are shimmery with a great shade range for every occasion. The best part still is that it is insanely affordable. I bought mine for 1100 PKR from Naheed a couple years back and I think you can still get it in the same price range. [image: Glamorous Face USA palette] A few days back, I was staring at all the Colopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog randomlyabstract Stuck In this labyrinth you call life; A series of unsurprising oddities and I, Unable to find the exit door. The liquid in this bottle is stinky. My hands tremble so. Filed under: 2015, Poems and poetry pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" برائے آگہی اور غوروفکر کیلئے"

From the blog universe-zeeno منجانب فکرستان: روزنامہ "دنُیا " میں شائع محترم جناب خورشیدندیم کے کالم کی شئیر نگ: *برائے آگہی اور غوروفکر کیلئے۔* ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ " کلچر اور مذہب" سیاستِ دوراں سے گریز مشکل ہے لیکن ماہِ رمضان کا مطالبہ ہے کہ موضوعات بدل جائیں، جیسے کلچر اور مذہب۔ مشاہدہ ہے کہ جمعہ کے روز لوگ شلوار قمیض پہنتے ہیں۔ اس کا تعلق نماز جمعہ سے نہیں ہے۔ یہ صحیح ہے کہ نمازیوںکی بڑی تعداد ہفت روزہ نماز کی قائل ہے۔ لوگوں کی بڑی تعداد نمازِجمعہ کا اہتمام کرتی ہے، اگر چہ وہ روزانہ کی نماز سے غافل رہتی ہے۔ شلوار قمیض کا مگر جمعہ کے ساتھ خصوصی تعلق ہے، نمازِ جمعہ کے ساتھ نہیں۔ ایسا کیوں ہے؟ جمعہ اہلِ اسلام کا دن ہے، جیسے سنیچر یہود کا اور اتوار مسیحیوں کا۔ ہمارے تحت الشعور میں یہ رچ بس گیا ہے کہ شلوار قمیض اسلام کا لباس ہے۔ مذہبی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Announces New Up to 100Mbps DSL Broadband Packages and Prices

From the blog propakistani PTCL today announced a massive cut in its DSL broadband packages, especially for those packages with high speed rates. PTCL said that price cuts are in line with company's vision of equipping internet users in the country with highest possible broadband speeds. PTCL's DSL broadband services are available in over 2,000 cities across Pakistan, while... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ancient history of Taxila

From the blog odysseuslahoriRead in Urdu about history of Taxila - seat of ancient civilization. This article appeared in newspaper Roznama Pakistan [double click the image below to enlarge]. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shah Talib Memorial Cricket Tournament to be held at Passu

From the blog pamirtimes[image: passu cricket]Gulmit, June 27: Syedna Sultan Shah Talib Memorial Cricket Tournament to be organized by Hussaini Shah Talib Sports Club from 13th to 20th July at Passu Cricket Ground. Thirteen (13) top teams from Gojal will participate in the Grade A tournament to be held in collaboration with Tehsil Sports Association and AKYSP. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Offer High Speed Internet at Amazing New Prices

From the blog smartchoice To compete with new entrants in market offering broadband services and more specifically Fiber internet providers, PTCL has significantly reduced prices of high-speed internet services and introduced new packages at amazing new prices. Considering how PTCL did not offer true Fiber-to-Home service (absence of GPON device), this is a significant development and makes extremely fast internet affordable for masses. What is significant is the there is no download limit or download cap, customers will be upgraded from capped packages to unlimited and depending upon budget customers can experience speed up to 100 Mbps. IPTV is free with these packages (no monthly charges). Following are the details of these new packages: *Broadband Bundle Packages* *MRC (Rs.) (Prorated)* *Volumpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Leaked London Police Transcripts of MQM Leaders' Interrogation on Indian RAW Funds

From the blog riazhaqAfter the BBC report by Owen Bennett Jones on Indian RAW funding of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) led by Altaf Hussain living in self-exile in London, some of the transcripts of the London Police interrogations of MQM leaders Tariq Meer and Mohammad Anwar have been leaked. What began as murder investigation after the London killing of former MQM leader Imran Farooq later expanded to include money laundering after the discovery of several hundred thousand British Pounds in cash at MQM chief Altaf Husain's residence. It was this turn of events that led to interrogation of Mr. Tariq Mir, the MQM party finance manager in the UK. The leaked document is about Tariq Mir's interrogation that occurred at Edgware Police Station in London on May 30, 2012. It refers to a priorpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Oh, You Don’t Like My Body?

From the blog zainabkhawajaGuess what. Most days, neither do I. The way my thighs jiggle when I run, and the “wholesome” curve of my fat arms. You don’t like my body. I don’t like myself. Just another fat girl. The chubby friend. The girl who is fun, and interesting and creative, but c’mon, you’d never date her. I […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shafaq the twilight

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 314599_106884566087414_1497796983_nshafaq] I came to know Shafaq not long that a year or more. Every passing day unfolded her characteristics of her beautiful virtuous personality. She is as beautiful as her name that means twilight—- like twilight spread the color all around making the ambience picturesque so is Shafaq— kind, thoughtful, caring and always ready to help anyone regardless of any complex. She is lady of substance and I’m sure people like her are illuminating this world with their honesty, graciousness and god-fearing nature. We are proud of her being there and an example for others to follow her foot steps May she be blessed by almighty with every step she takes and with every breath amen I wanted to share her qualities with friends. My maiden name ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Murder, a counterfeit eye & courtroom drama in Book #2

From the blog beanbagtalesDetective novels, good ones, don't just have twists and turns or gruesome, bloody murders on every second page. The backbone of a good detective novel is the protagonist, the hero who is, of course, the detective himself. Christie gave us Hercule Poirot, Chandler created Philip Marlowe, and Doyle gave us the greatest (probably) of all detectives in the form of Sherlock Holmes. And Erle Stanley Gardner created the legal eagle, Perry Mason. The first thing different about this murder mystery is that Perry Mason is a lawyer and not a detective. The plot is simple: there is a murder, a number of people are at the scene of the crime which looks like a suicide but isn't, family members come under suspicion, back stories are dug up, another murder happens which the reader didn't see cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Selling Out.

From the blog maryamrezaI finally made my own photography page on Facebook. I still haven't quite forgiven myself but hey, at least I'm getting lots of love, haha. Who'd say no to that? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نوائے ریختہ

From the blog salmanlatif۔ میں نے ہوا سے جنگ میں، اپنی شکست میں یہ جانا کہ کیسی آگ میری خاکستر میں ہےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دوستی کی شرط

From the blog theajmals جو لوگ خود غرض ہوتے ہیں وہ کبھی اچھے دوست نہیں ہوتے ابو بکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ڈزنی نے اپنے تھیم پارکس میں سیلفی سٹک لانے اور اسکے استعمال پر پابندی لگادی

From the blog itnama سیلفی کے مداح ہوشیار ہوجائیں کیونکہ دنیا کے سب سے بڑے تھیم پارکس ڈزنی ورلڈ اور ڈزنی لیند میں سیلفی سٹک لانے اور اسکے استعمال پر پابندی لگا دی گئی ہے۔ یہ پابندی نہ صرف امریکہ بلکہ بہت جلد ہانگ کانگ اور پیرس کے تھیم پارکس میں بھی لاگو کر دی جائے گی۔ انتظامیہ کی... Read more » The post ڈزنی نے اپنے تھیم پارکس میں سیلفی سٹک لانے اور اسکے استعمال پر پابندی لگادی appeared first on ITnama - Pakistan's First Urdu Technology Blog. مزید دلچسپ تحاریر 1. بھارت میں 100 سے زائد ایس ایم ایس بھیجنے پر پابندی 2. وزیر اعظم نے یوٹیوب پر پھر پابندی لگا دی : آنکھ مچولی کب تک چلے گی؟ 3. شرانگیز مواد نہ ہٹانے پر ترک حکومت نے ٹوئٹر کے بعد یوٹیوب پر بھی پابندی عائد کردی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aditya Chopra

From the blog news: In the 24th year of his career, SRK is working on three films – ‘Raees’, in which he our beloved Mahira Khan leading man; ‘Dilwale’, in which he’ll romance Kajol once again and Aditya Chopra ‘Fan’, according to Pakistan Today. It not the longevity, but the consistency, of his career that is worthy of applause. ( As reported in the news. Tagged under , topics.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Draw A Song - Robot By Miley Cyrus

From the blog noorsplace Putting my sketch book in the best use, drawing a song was my main idea to kick off some creativity. I tossed it in my Weekly to-do list so it wouldn't get delayed. The basic idea of drawing a song is to exhibit what it made you think. Some songs are too metaphorical that you can't draw them by their lyrics but with what you feel when you listen them. While some of them are pretty much easy to be drawn, anywhere. Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus, a big hit of 2010, it's been my favorite album over the years. If I recall, I still remember all the lyrics from EACH song. I had bought a deluxe edition when it came out and it's still in my drawer. It's impossible to give away stuff that's too nostalgic in every way. I chose to draw song Robot. It has intense music + lyrics. It's aboutpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Perfect Day (Competition Time!)

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Rollerblades] My perfect day begins at 11 AM with some in bed scrolling down my social media feed on the phone. Once I am out of bed, I do some sort of exercise, to wake my system up and also because it is healthy. Usually, I like doing cardio, but if the weather is good and I have company, skating around is much more fun. After that, I jump right in for a wash to actually start my day, feeling fresh. I am much more organized if I follow this order rather than taking a shower later in the day. By 12 PM, I eat a bowl (read: huge mug) of my current favourite cereal, Special K, and this is when my mom says, ‘This is not a Kellogs time!’, but I have to have lunch by 2:30 anyway with dad so I still stick to it. [image: Shower Products] [image: Hairstyling and Makeup] In betpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان اور یونس کانڈی کے معجزے کے منتظر

From the blog cricnamaکولمبو میں دو دن کے کھیل کے بعد پاکستان پچھلے قدموں پر دکھائی دیتا ہے۔ پہلے روز صرف 138 رنز پر ڈھیر ہوجانے کے بعد اب اسے 166 رنز کے بڑے خسارے کا سامنا ہے، اور یہ مزید بڑھ بھی سکتا ہے کیونکہ سری لنکا کی ایک وکٹ ابھی باقی ہے۔ کیا یہاں سے مقابلے میں واپس آنے کی کوئی امید باقی ہے؟ کیا پاکستان کبھی 100 رنز سے زیادہ کے خسارے کے بعد سری لنکا کو شکست دے پایا ہے؟ جواب ہے، جی ہاں! آج سے 9 سال پہلے ایک بار ایسا بھی ہوا ہے۔ یہ اپریل 2006ء کے ابتدائی ایام تھے جب پاکستان اور سری لنکا سیریز کے دوسرے، آخری اور فیصلہ کن مقابلے کے لیے کانڈی میں آمنے سامنے آئے تھے۔ پہلا ٹیسٹ ڈرا ہوجانے کےبعد سیریز کے نتیجے کا انحصار اسی مقابلے پر تھا جہاں پاکستان کی دعوت پر سری لنکا نے پہلے بلے بازی سنبھالی۔ سری لنکا محمد آصف کی تباہ کن باؤلنگ کو سہنے میں کسی حد تک کامیاب ہوگیا۔ آصف اس زمانے میں اپنے عروج پر تھے، صpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple iOS 9 Will Deal a Huge Blow to Advertisers

From the blog propakistani With the arrival of iOS 9, Apple is taking steps to make it harder to place advertisements in mobile apps. The company's aim is to prevent app developers and advertisers from accessing data generated by other apps, as it believes that apps installed by users should remain private to them. Such data is typically stored... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[Pictorial] Incredible Images of the Four Tunnels on KKH near Attabad

From the blog pamirtimes[image: Tunnel 2]Photographs: Asghar Khan pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Eunuchs; the unique creation of God

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: images] Eunuchs always instigated me to know the truth, the facts about them. They always seemed to me, a weird and out of the world creation of almighty. I remember that from childhood I was told to keep away from them. They were considered perilous beings. I saw those dancing singing clapping ogling making vulgar actions in functions to entertain guests and onlookers in public places. Their body language, funky gaudy stinky dresses, bold makeup, walking and talking style was much uncivilized. Their appearance and behavior never make me dislike but initiated interest to know about the true face behind the made up one. I often returned their smiles secretly. I knew my elders would never appreciate it. To speak truth, seek truth and write truth is my learning teachingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان اور یونس کانڈی کے معجزے کے منتظر

From the blog cricnamaکولمبو میں دو دن کے کھیل کے بعد پاکستان پچھلے قدموں پر دکھائی دیتا ہے۔ پہلے روز صرف 138 رنز پر ڈھیر ہوجانے کے بعد اب اسے 166 رنز کے بڑے خسارے کا سامنا ہے، اور یہ مزید بڑھ بھی سکتا ہے کیونکہ سری لنکا کی ایک وکٹ ابھی باقی ہے۔ کیا یہاں سے مقابلے میں واپس آنے کی کوئی امید باقی ہے؟ کیا پاکستان کبھی 100 رنز سے زیادہ کے خسارے کے بعد سری لنکا کو شکست دے پایا ہے؟ جواب ہے، جی ہاں! آج سے 9 سال پہلے ایک بار ایسا بھی ہوا ہے۔ یہ اپریل 2006ء کے ابتدائی ایام تھے جب پاکستان اور سری لنکا سیریز کے دوسرے، آخری اور فیصلہ کن مقابلے کے لیے کانڈی میں آمنے سامنے آئے تھے۔ پہلا ٹیسٹ ڈرا ہوجانے کےبعد سیریز کے نتیجے کا انحصار اسی مقابلے پر تھا جہاں پاکستان کی دعوت پر سری لنکا نے پہلے بلے بازی سنبھالی۔ سری لنکا محمد آصف کی تباہ کن باؤلنگ کو سہنے میں کسی حد تک کامیاب ہوگیا۔ آصف اس زمانے میں اپنے عروج پر تھے، صpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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~[REVIEW] :The Body Shop Virgin Mojito Body Butter~

From the blog areejusmanA few days back I received a large goody bag at a Ramadan special charity event from The Body Shop Pakistan & I admit it was one of the best goody bags I have got till now.In the goody bag was this amazing product that I am reviewing today! Its the Virgin Mojito Body Butter! *The Body Shop Virgin Mojito Body Butter * Smooth on fresh hydration with our Limited Edition Virgin Mojito Body Butter, refreshingly fragranced with a twist of zesty lime and the scent of fresh mint. - Up to 24-hr fresh hydration - Lightweight texture - Suitable for normal skin - With the extract of Caribbean lime and mint - DISCOVER THE SECRET: #happyskin *The Body Shop Virgin Mojito Body Butter Ingredients* Aqua/Water/Eau, Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter/Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Butyrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Viva Karachi (The Snippets of Karachi I lived In)

From the blog pakteahouse *By Omar Alvi* [image: karachiatnight] The face of the Regal Chowk glows from behind the heavy make up of smoke, grime and dust gathered from the decadent yet utilitarian vanity of decades. It tries to shine through and reflect on the stories it wrote over the years. The story of sunshine and happiness. The story of grey skies and heady days when the sky almost fell with rain and anarchy. The story of limited affluence and large-heartedness. The story of the inhabitants and the tale of the dream and the dreamer. Yes the Regal Chowk is privy to all that and more; and if you are lucky and stand in front of Thomas and Thomas and stare hard the ghost of the Regal past (no pun intended) will let you fly on the magic carpet of its beautiful noise and make you experience the vitalitpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ant Financial Services Group and Wanxiang Group

From the blog newsAnt Financial: Other founders include the Shanghai-based conglomerate Fosun Group, China's largest auto parts supplier Wanxiang Group, and Ningbo Jinrun Asset Management Company, according to The Observer. MYbank is headquartered in the eastern city of Hangzhou. MYbank, which is 30 percent-owned by Ant Financial Services Group, has a registered capital of 4 billion yuan . Ant Financial is apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Is the hijab a feminist statement?

From the blog sesapzaiOriginally posted on iramramzan: I don’t know about you all, but I’m getting rather bored of the I-love-my-hijab sentiments now. It means, unfortunately, you have to put up with my…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL CharJi Evo Tab Includes Sygic Maps

From the blog telecompk TPL Trakker has collaborated with Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), the largest ICT services provider in Pakistan, for their recently launched Pakistan’s first 4G LTE tablet PTCL *CharJi EVO Tab* by providing customers Sygic maps and Trakker NAV as a compulsory built in application on the device. With over 20,000,000 downloads worldwide, *Sygic* is the most popular offline GPS navigation application. High quality TPL Trakker maps are stored on the phone or tablet, and can be accessed without any internet connection, together with a robust set of navigation features. The user-friendly Sygic maps and Trakker NAV will assist PTCL *CharJi EVO Tab* users in finding out addresses and interesting locations and also provide turn-by-turn voice guided navigation all acrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Help Educate Girls in Pakistan - Zarina Shamim Scholarship Program (ZSSP)

From the blog chaudhryjavediqbalpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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This time U-Turn is not option

From the blog hallopakistan*Ayaz Amir probably one of few columnist left in Pakistan who write with his own mind and conviction. Otherwise, Pakistani media like any other corporate now hiring best managers to full fill the clients demands. Don't think I am blind follower of him as he sometimes makes fatal judgmental mistakes but most of time his line and length which initially seemed by many as weird; ultimately prevailed.* *Dawn Image* *After memogate debacle in which serving chief of army staff and ISI head given affidavits that former Pakistani ambassador Hussain Haqqani was actually a mole who wanted to disband Pakistan's nuclear deterrent by American backing; Ayaz Amir on this issue wrote that establishment should weight its options realistically before taking a position on issues. He quoted exapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات۔۔۔ 25 جون 2015

From the blog seems77 اصل ناکامی تو یہ ہے کہ انسان بارہ مہینوں میں اپنی دو بری عادتیں بھی درست نہ کر سکے....... pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چیمپئنز ٹرافی میں جگہ پانے کے لیے پاک-ویسٹ انڈیز ٹکراؤ کا امکان

From the blog cricnamaبھارت کے خلاف تاریخی کامیابی کے بعد بنگلہ دیش کی کشتی تو کنارے لگی، لیکن پاکستان اور ویسٹ انڈیز مصیبت میں مبتلا ہیں۔ دونوں آئندہ چیمپئنز ٹرافی کھیلنا چاہتے ہیں اور ان میں سے کوئی ایک ہی یہ اعزاز حاصل کرپائے گا۔ پاکستان کو تو سری لنکا اور زمبابوے کے خلاف ایک روزہ کھیلنی ہیں، لیکن مقررہ تاریخ سے قبل ویسٹ انڈیز کا کوئی مقابلہ طے شدہ نہیں اور یہی بات غرب الہند کے دستے کو تشویش میں مبتلا کررہی ہے۔ اگر پاکستان سری لنکا اور زمبابوے کے خلاف فتوحات حاصل کرتا ہے تو وہ 'کالی آندھی' کو بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کے دوسرے اہم ترین ایک روزہ ٹورنامنٹ سے باہر کردے گی، لیکن اگر پاکستان ایسا کرنے میں ناکام رہا تو کیا ویسٹ انڈیز پہنچ پائے گا؟ اس بارے میں کچھ کہنا ابھی مشکل ہے۔ اس صورتحال کو واضح کرنے، اور دونوں ٹیموں کو کوالیفائی کرنے کے لیے یکساں مواقع دینے کی خاطر، زمبابوے نے ایک انوکھی پیشکش کی ہے۔pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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NBP, Ufone Sign Partnership to Build National Payment System

From the blog propakistani National Bank of Pakistan, Ufone and Ubank, signed an agreement today, to create new synergies between the already established Upaisa Brand and the upcoming digital banking initiatives of NBP. This collaboration is another step of NBP to jointly create the required National Payment System to benefit the people of Pakistan and to facilitate the payments... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hisper: fortress of ice and snow

From the blog odysseuslahoriThe Biafo-Hisper glacial system, extending ninety-eight kilometres in a gleaming white line of ice clenched within the jaws of the most dramatic granite spires, is among the longest ice stream outside of the polar regions. Its southeast end rests a few kilometres from the Balti village of Askole while in the northwest the houses of Nagar feel the icy blasts of wind scudding down its surface. Right in the middle, equidistant from both ends of the glacier, there sits the gentle saddle of the pass that the people of Nagar know as Hisper. For the people of Baltistan, this is R’Dzong La (Pass), however. Now, R’Dzong in Balti signifies a small defensive turret. The question is: why should anyone need a fortification 5230 metres above the sea on a glacier? Oral history preserves talespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Peak fragility: Conserving mountain soils an urgent matter

From the blog pamirtimes[image: mountain 1]New book on the importance of management of mountain soils 23 June 2015, Rome – Mountain soils are the fragile foundations of ecosystems that ultimately provide water for more than half the world’s population. A new FAO book offers technical insights on the sustainable management of mountain soils, which are home to a vast array of human activities ranging from quinoa cultivation in the Andes through European ski resorts to the collection of medicinal plants in Tajikistan’s “roof of the world” Pamir range. “Understanding Mountain Soils,” published by FAO with theMountain Partnership Secretariat, the Global Soil Partnership and the University of Turin, contains a host of case studies from around the world covering human, productive and geological issues. It is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog saadblog موجودہ زمانے میں سب سے زیادہ کس چیز کا رواج ہے؟ اس سوال کا جواب بچہ بچہ جانتا ہے. جی ہاں. سیلفی! یہ وہ لت ہے جو اس وقت بلا تفریق مذہب و رنگ و نسل دنیا بھر کے لوگوں کو لگ چکی ہے. خود کو ہیرو سمجھنے والے بچے، نوجوان، جوان اور بڈھے بابے منھ کے طرح طرح کے زاویے بناتے ہوئے موبائل ہاتھ میں لے کر اپنی تصویریں کھینچتے اور فیس بُک پر شیئر کرتے نظر آتے ہیں. بظاہر ان کا مقصد دنیا کو اپنے حسن سے متاثر کرنا ہوتا ہے لیکن درحقیقت ان کے دماغ میں کیا کیڑا ہوتا ہے، وہی بہتر جانتے ہیں. اسی طرح وہ حسن کی دیویاں جو اپنا حسن چھپانا بھی چاہتی ہیں اور رہ بھی نہیں سکتیں، وہ اپنے چہرے پر گھنی زلفوں کا سایہ کر لیتی ہیں تاکہ لفنگوں کی نظرِ بد سے محفوظ بھی رہ سکیں اور اپنا شوق بھی پورا کر سکیں. نقاب پوش حسینائیں بھی سیلفی کی بے حد دیوانی پائی گئی ہیں. سر کٹی سیلفی بھی ان کی ہی ایجاد ہے. سیلفی کی ابتدpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چیمپئنز ٹرافی میں جگہ پانے کے لیے پاک-ویسٹ انڈیز ٹکراؤ کا امکان

From the blog cricnamaبھارت کے خلاف تاریخی کامیابی کے بعد بنگلہ دیش کی کشتی تو کنارے لگی، لیکن پاکستان اور ویسٹ انڈیز مصیبت میں مبتلا ہیں۔ دونوں آئندہ چیمپئنز ٹرافی کھیلنا چاہتے ہیں اور ان میں سے کوئی ایک ہی یہ اعزاز حاصل کرپائے گا۔ پاکستان کو تو سری لنکا اور زمبابوے کے خلاف ایک روزہ کھیلنی ہیں، لیکن مقررہ تاریخ سے قبل ویسٹ انڈیز کا کوئی مقابلہ طے شدہ نہیں اور یہی بات غرب الہند کے دستے کو تشویش میں مبتلا کررہی ہے۔ اگر پاکستان سری لنکا اور زمبابوے کے خلاف فتوحات حاصل کرتا ہے تو وہ 'کالی آندھی' کو بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کے دوسرے اہم ترین ایک روزہ ٹورنامنٹ سے باہر کردے گی، لیکن اگر پاکستان ایسا کرنے میں ناکام رہا تو کیا ویسٹ انڈیز پہنچ پائے گا؟ اس بارے میں کچھ کہنا ابھی مشکل ہے۔ اس صورتحال کو واضح کرنے، اور دونوں ٹیموں کو کوالیفائی کرنے کے لیے یکساں مواقع دینے کی خاطر، زمبابوے نے ایک انوکھی پیشکش کی ہے۔pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Erasmus exchange program: An experience of a lifetime

From the blog pakteahouse By Khadija Haider [image: 1]Do you want to experience the most enthralling moment in your life? Do you wish to make friends from across the globe? Have you always dreamt of having a multicultural exposure? Above all, do you dream of studying in a university that is recognized globally? If your response to the above questions is in affirmative, then, undoubtedly, Erasmus exchange student scholarship is the right choice for you. You should expect an experience of a lifetime, and that may even get better if you’re accompanied by close university friends. Istanbul, a land on two continents, is where an Erasmus exchange student is going to live for a semester. I was quite unsure about my prospects of making through Erasmus exchange scholarship. Despite the fears of getting rejectepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Journalism in Pakistan

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Perhaps best known for his widely popular, hard-hitting talk show, “Talk Back,” and “Eye on India” for the local Pakistani news channel, DAWN News, Wajahat S. Khan is one of the best-known Pakistani broadcast journalists in the country today. Having worked for a number of local and foreign media houses; such as CNN, and more recently, as a correspondent for NBC News covering South Asia, Khan has reported extensively on the Pakistani military and interviewed top politicians and heads of state in both Pakistan and India. [image: Wajahat S. Khan on assignment] Wajahat S. Khan on assignment In an exclusive with *The Diplomat*, Khan speaks about the state of contemporary journalism in Pakistan today, his toughest assignments and the lack of security for local joupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Developing Economies and Pakistan

From the blog newsChina Pakistan Economic Corridor: As per the report, five out of the top ten FDI destinations were the developing economies, and FDI inflows to the developing economies reached their peak at $681 billion with a rise of two percent, according to Business Recorder. Where does Pakistan stand on this global landscape The key highlight for the country on this international canvas was the rising FDIpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Understanding Life

From the blog iabhopal Your problem is never really your problem Your reaction to the problem is actually your problem پڑھيئے ایک دلچسپ اور معلومات کا حامل بلاگ " میں کیا ہوں " پر کلِک کر کہ یا مندرجہ ذیل یو آر ایل براؤزر میں لکھ کر pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Standing Still

From the blog r2square [image: against the wind] I wonder how stubborn and rubbery some of us are. How truly incorrigible. Unbreakable, infinite. History comes and goes, time and again, repeating itself, punishing us for the same mistakes over and over and we still stand there. Tall as ever, been hit so many times but still alive; breathing, smiling, laughing. It’s that permanent stage of deja vu. That ‘been there, done that’ situation that makes it impossible to savour a moment of peace or pain. How many times have you been in and out of a hospital, lugging around with your loved ones, putting on a brave face. How many times have you stood besides them and known that they were not gonna make it but you still hope that some miracle would save them, make them young again and take all the disease awapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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To-Do for this week

From the blog noorsplace This week has been hectic with all Ramadan fasting and executing my small tasks, which was a whole lot difficult because I am sleepy half of the time. Or most. I won't brag at all. There are a few important things I am looking forward to complete by the end of this week. 1- Complete Diary of Anne Frank I started it a while ago but I am only halfway through the book so far. I SO want to finish it already. I was busy finishing The Lake House by James Patterson earlier and it disappointed me so badly. I regret reading it over but it's quite hard to stop reading a book when you've started it. Diary of Anne Frank has been an interesting read so leaving it in a middle is kind of hard. 2- Draw a song This is the start of my creative game, yeah!!! Drawing a song is so rad that I hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Body Lotion Review

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Body Lotion Review] I love The Body Shop for its skin care range because it is effective and comes in unique as well as luxurious scents. Since my mom is a The Body Shop fan too, this mother's day I included this Fuji Green Tea body lotion in her gift. When I bought this it was new in stores and I was sold at the first whiff. Whole of Fuji Green Tea range smells absolutely refreshing and the scent is gender neutral so it makes a safe choice for everyone. I chose lotion over the body butter because it was more weather appropriate and also I could smell the Fuji Green Tea scent much better in it while in the body butter it felt a bit muted by the denseness of the product. Fuji Green Tea leaves are obtained from Japan and they are known for theipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Refresh FIFA with Maradona as FIFA PRESIDENT

From the blog hallopakistan *Google Image* *Imagine tomorrow you wake up and saw that Diego Maradona was made the new president of FIFA for next four years. You may hate him or love him but you can't simply ignore him. He has such a personality and impact which can never be created by people likes of Blatter or Prince Ali of Jordon. Cameras love him to take photo and people love him to hear his naughty and nasty comments.* *Few years back, I was in dentist clinic in UK where sports channel showing that Maradona separating two rival players and calming the situation. The British lady who before this news seemed more interested in some fashion magazine; left the magazine and with sarcastic smile and tone told me thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نئی منزلوں کا راہی، یونس خان

From the blog cricnamaآج سے 15 سال قبل راولپنڈی سے جس سفر کاآغاز ہوا تھا، وہ کئی سنگ ہائے میل عبور کرتا ہوا اب ایک اورموڑ پر پہنچ چکا ہے۔ یونس خان اپنا 100 واں ٹیسٹ میچ کھیلنے کے لیے کولمبو کےپی سروانامتو اسٹیڈیم میں اتریں گے اور یوں اس اعزاز کو حاصل کرنے والے پانچویں پاکستانی کھلاڑی بن جائیں گے۔ ڈیڑھ دہائی قبل اپنے پہلے ہی ٹیسٹ میں سنچری سے آغاز لینے والے 23 سالہ یونس خان کو شاید خود بھی یقین نہ ہوگا کہ وہ ایک روز "سنچری ٹیسٹ" کھیلیں گے، لیکن کئی قومی ریکارڈ توڑنے کے بعد اب وہ ایک اہم ترین منزل کو پا رہے ہیں اور کئی نئے ریکارڈز بھی اپنی گرفت میں لے رہے ہیں۔ یونس خان سے پہلے صرف چار پاکستانی کھلاڑی ایسے ہیں، جنہیں 100 یا اس سے زیادہ ٹیسٹ مقابلے کھیلنے کو ملے۔ ملک کی جانب سے سب سے زیادہ جاوید میانداد نے کھیلے، جنہوں نے 1976ء سے 1993ء تک کل 124 ٹیسٹ مقابلوں میں پاکستان کی نمائندگی کی اور آج بھی سب سے زیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Carmudi to Sponsor NUST NAS15 Team at Formula Student Race UK

From the blog propakistani In bid to support the promotion of Auto Sports in Pakistan, online vehicle marketplace is proud to support NUST Formula Student Team as they gear up for the World's largest student motorsport competition. Since 2012, Interactive NUST Formula Student Team has taken part in Formula Student UK, a motorsports competition organized by the Institute... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to operate and build brands

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Usman Shahid, Brand Head, Pepsico, visited the Lahore School of Economics on June08, 2015 to deliver a lecture to the graduating MBA class. The topic of discussion was how to operate and build brands. After his past experiences and explaining the techniques used by PepsiCo and other FMCGs, Mr. Shahid shared the story of Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew had a unique positioning, one which differed from all the other brands in Pakistan. How it linked all its consumer touch points and its positioning. Mr. Usman stated that it was Mountain Dew’s effective brand building that had enabled it to compete with products that were over 50 years old. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hussaini village still deprived of basic facilities

From the blog pamirtimes[image: hussaini bridge]Ali Musofer One elected government has completed its tenure while the next one will soon resume its offices but the decades long miseries of the dwellers of Hussaini village remained unnoticed. Hussaini, a village in Gojal valley, 45 kms from Central Hunza and 132 kms from Gilgit, is one of the most unfortunate villages of Gilgit-Baltistan which is deprived of the very basic facilitates of life in this modern age. The people of this village face plenty of problems ranging from water shortage for irrigation and drinking to education, health, infrastructure and almost a 30 years long bridges dilemma, which connects the village with its other part, known as Zarabad (three times larger than Hussaini), parted by the Khunjrav River. The people of Hussaini are mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shan Foods: celebrating the precious moments we share with our loved ones

From the blog pakmediablog The recently launched Shan Foods Khushiyan Chakhlo TVC has taken social media by storm. The first of its kind from Shaan Foods shows how important moments are incomplete without sharing them with loved ones. Ogilvy & Mather is the creative agency behind this beautifully conceptualized TVC that shows two brothers living abroad, celebrating Eid without their mother […] Shan Foods: celebrating the precious moments we share with our loved ones is a post from: PakMediaBlog All Rights Reserved. This post Shan Foods: celebrating the precious moments we share with our loved ones is aggregated on PakMediaBlog. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Travelogue: Umrah 2015 – Part 10: Rain, Newer part of the mosque, the last day…

From the blog periodicreflectionsThe day before last, we saw awesome rain in Makkah. Our residence was at around 7 – 8 minute walk, which meant even if we left at the time of Azaan , we reached Haram in time for the prayer. … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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smart and practical

From the blog tanveerrauf best utilization of COACACOLA FREEZER :) [image: 10291217_10153098758766185_7059872691494132541_n] *"man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,* * he is responsible for everything he does* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نئی منزلوں کا راہی، یونس خان

From the blog cricnamaآج سے 15 سال قبل راولپنڈی سے جس سفر کاآغاز ہوا تھا، وہ کئی سنگ ہائے میل عبور کرتا ہوا اب ایک اورموڑ پر پہنچ چکا ہے۔ یونس خان اپنا 100 واں ٹیسٹ میچ کھیلنے کے لیے کولمبو کےپی سروانامتو اسٹیڈیم میں اتریں گے اور یوں اس اعزاز کو حاصل کرنے والے پانچویں پاکستانی کھلاڑی بن جائیں گے۔ ڈیڑھ دہائی قبل اپنے پہلے ہی ٹیسٹ میں سنچری سے آغاز لینے والے 23 سالہ یونس خان کو شاید خود بھی یقین نہ ہوگا کہ وہ ایک روز "سنچری ٹیسٹ" کھیلیں گے، لیکن کئی قومی ریکارڈ توڑنے کے بعد اب وہ ایک اہم ترین منزل کو پا رہے ہیں اور کئی نئے ریکارڈز بھی اپنی گرفت میں لے رہے ہیں۔ یونس خان سے پہلے صرف چار پاکستانی کھلاڑی ایسے ہیں، جنہیں 100 یا اس سے زیادہ ٹیسٹ مقابلے کھیلنے کو ملے۔ ملک کی جانب سے سب سے زیادہ جاوید میانداد نے کھیلے، جنہوں نے 1976ء سے 1993ء تک کل 124 ٹیسٹ مقابلوں میں پاکستان کی نمائندگی کی اور آج بھی سب سے زیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بات ہے سوچ کی

From the blog theajmals سوچ آدمی کو انتہائی بلندیوں پر پہنچا سکتی ہے اور پستی کی گہرائیوں میں بھی پہنچا سکتی ہے سوچ درست ہو تو دُشمن بھی دوست بن سکتا ہے اور بیمار ہو تو اچھی چیز بھی بُری لگتی ہے سوچ ایسی نازک چیز ہے جس کے بیمار ہو جانے کا بہت زیادہ خدشہ ہوتا ہے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple Tart and Caramelized Apples

From the blog newspastry: Whether it a crumble you’re after, a pie or an apple tart, you’ll get nowhere without the above mentioned heroes, according to Express Tribune. We love the traditional apple pie but today we have a French version of the apple tart which is; soft juicy caramelized apples sitting on top of a bed of crumbly buttery pastry and does it taste good It is absolutely divine. Sumayia Apples,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Condensed Life

From the blog hassanqadeerbutt Where does the light go After being stopped by the clouds On its way to the humans Who may or may not want it Does it find a refuge Somewhere in the cosmos Or is it absorbed in the unending curves of those clouds Who are nothing but life condensed In mid air, stopping the light to reach the scattered life beneath The clouds, unaware of the approaching winds That are about to make them As scattered as the life beneath As if they act as mirrors in the sky Reflecting the life beneath In the absence of the light they block Of humans who start out pure,condensed The winds of life scatter them around, Make them fall They gather themselves again, piece by piece And rise above where they were thrown But the winds again, approach that floating existence Of pieces glued together throughpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Salt Secret - A Project by Hub Salt

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Salt Secret - A Project by Hub Salt] Last Thursday I had an opportunity to try out Salt Therapy at the Salt Secret, which is a project by Hub Salt. Now, I know most of you guys must be wondering what salt therapy exactly is and I was amazed too to find out about it. Basically, salt therapy is an ancient Greek treatment for various respiratory diseases including asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cold/flu, cough and skin ailments like eczema and other such allergies. In addition to these it also improves metabolism and helps in giving up on addictive habits. [image: Salt Secret - A Project by Hub Salt]Salt and its processed goods. [image: Pyramid Salt and Massage Ball]*L:* Pyramid Salt, *R:* Massag Ball When I walked in, I was welcomed by a sweet lady named Ayesha, who gave mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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World can't be "MODIFIED"

From the blog hallopakistan*Few years back a Danish post-graduate student came to our institute to gave lecture on new innovations made by his laboratory. Most of us excited to see him and other foreigners and wanted to chat with them. However, except him other guys were aged but the issue was that during conference and later in lunches and dinners, a Pakistani guy who is liaisoning with him almost gave no time to locals and him to talk with each other.* *Though, we all were naïve and never met a European before but still thought he seemed bored by over possessiveness of liasoning officer and finally on one dinner he bluntly gave him a kind of soft shut up call.* *Later on, while living in UK I met lot of people from different European countries as well from Asia and Americas such as Korea, China, Thailanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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British Spy Agency Had Secret Access to Every Internet User in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani New revelations made by Edward Snowden suggest that GCHQ, British Spy Agency, had manipulated CISCO routers installed at central internet gateway of Pakistan (also known as Pakistan Internet Exchange or PIE) to gain access to almost any internet user and its data in Pakistan. According to details published by Intercept, GCHQ had gained questionable warrants from government to... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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