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On the Road to Bin Laden’s House

From the Blog pakteahouse *By David Peduto* [image: Osama2] Four years ago today, Osama bin laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Then a senior in college, I remember being crowded around a TV in a roomful of classmates as President Obama broke the news to the world. It seemed strange to think that instead of a cave in Afghanistan, the terrorist leader was found in a three-story compound just down the street from Pakistan’s West Point. Even stranger is the fact that I found myself on the road to bin Laden’s house in that same Pakistani city just a year later. My presence there as an unarmed private citizen among local friends was the culmination of so many little steps first set in motion by bin Laden himself. The tragedy of 9/11 led me to study Arabic in college, to study abroad in Egypt, to wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5944161001050637247 Pakistani Blog Posts


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