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May Favourites '15

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: May Favourites '15] This year, I have been trying to churn out a minimum of 10 monthly posts, but Alhamdulillah managed to exceed the limit each time. Now, I am about to get on with the toughest week of finals so this is the tenth and final post for May. I am happy to keep up with my goal of sharing monthly favourites irrespective of my exams, so here it is. *1. Freeman Chocolate and Strawberry Clay Mask* *(Review)* The affair with this mask is still going strong. It is the best thing I have ever tried for my skin type. Find out more about it in my detailed review. *2. Makeup Revolution Ultra Face Base Primer** *(Review)* Over the last couple of weeks, I attended a lot of events and this has been great to hold my makeup for lengthy durations in the heat of Karachi. *3.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Interview: Aisyah Hana of Things & Others

From the blog crafty4 Hi everyone! Finally I am hosting an interview with for the first time! She is a pretty sweet girl and she has quite cute posts on her blog. It's Aisyah Hana from Things & Others! You can also take a view at the interview she took of me at her blog :) Check her instagram for a sneak peak into her life ;) So starting with the interview: 1. Introduce yourself and your blog. Hello! My name is Hana. I am from Indonesia. And I have a blog: Things & Others! It was born in 2014, as a new crafts and lifestyle blog 2. What does your blog title mean and why do you think it's the perfect title for your blog? I think Things & Others means that this blog contains posts about this thing and that thing, so it'spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Reshuffled batting order of PTI shows that CHANGE is mere slogan

From the blog hallopakistan*Why Imran Khan considered as the best captain ever produced by Pakistan's cricket because he selected players purely on merit and not afraid of taking risks. His meritocracy ended the career of his elder cousin and childhood hero Majid Khan who was once considered as the best stroke player of Pakistan. Not only Majid Khan but also careers of Zaheer Abbas and Sikandar Bakht were ended. Many accused him that he used them against Javed Miandad and later removed them in fear that they will not accept his dictatorship in team. However, his trust on young players likes of Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Aaqib Javed, Aamir Sohail, Inzamam Ul Haq, Mushtaq Ahemed, Ramiz Raja, Ijaz Ahmed, Mohin Khan made Pakistan a formidable team in late 80's and 90's. He was the first person who used leg spipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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