Anniversary Special: Tassel and Pom Pom Keychain
From the blog crafty4Hi! This tutorial is closely related to the elements of my previous tutorial: DIY Rope/Twine Tassel Necklace The images are a bit blurry and were taken in low light! Sorry! Materials: Twine/Rope Wire Keyring Chain Wooden bead (optional) Thread Needle Fur pom pom Jump rings How to make: 1. Pass some thread through the pom pom and attach a jump ring to it. 2. Attach the pom pom to the un-winded piece of twine/rope and make a knot. 3. Pass a wooden bead and make another knot. Use a safety pin or any other sharp object to help. 4. Create a tassel using unwinded twine/rope. 5. Tie the twine with pom pom to the keyring. Attach the tassel with wire, chain and jump rings. You can also use it as a tassel-only keychain: I hope you liked this tutorial! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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