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Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together

From the blog pakteahouse *By Misbah Azam, Ph.D.* *“For an hour I was transported to a place where every new minute inspired me to fall in love with Pakistan again.”* [image: jibran nasir3] Above are the words of one brilliant Pakistani entrepreneur of Silicon Valley, Dr. Safwan Shah, which he wrote to convey his tributes to a dynamic young Pakistani lawyer, politician and social activist, Mohammed Jibran Nasir, after attending his talk in a USA Talk Series 2015 seminar in the Silicon Valley, San Francisco Bay Area. The Silicon Valley seminar was organized by the local Think Tank Talk4Pak-iKolachi (Faraz Dervesh, CEO; Riaz Haq; Ali Hassan Cemendtaur; Misbah Azam; Sabahat Ashraf). Jibran shared his experience to the large gathering of people, predominantly, from members of Pakistani and Indian communitpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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