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Beauty Wishlist 2015

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Beauty Wishlist 2015] I was looking at my beauty wishlist from last year and even though I missed out a lot of products, I do not really want many of them any longer, mainly because I have found alternatives or they have lost their charm. So, I decided to share my current cravings on the blog as these are not only fun but also easy to keep track of. I do not want much right now and I am hoping to get all of these soon, therefore I have kept the list realistic. *1. The Body Shop English Dawn* *White Gardenia Mist* A few months back, while it was still new, I sniffed a tester of English Dawn and ever since then I have had it on my wishlist. It has a floral scent and I love such feminine perfumes. *2. The Body Shop All-In-One BB Cream* *(Shade 02)* If you read my Most Wantpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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