Axact, Bol and Pakistani Journalism: What is at Stake!
From the blog pakistaniaat [image: BOL_Screengrab] A lot has happened since the New York Times published their deeply troubling investigative story about the shenanigans of Axact. The Pakistani authorities have now launched an investigation into the dealings of the company, the leading journalists recruited by Bol, an affiliate of Axact, have now left the new network, some for the reasons of “conscience.” For right now, the Pakistani government and media have discussed this story only from the perspective of Pakistan’s image in the world. But this, I suggest, is more than just an image problem. That a shady corporation selling fake degrees almost got away with launching a major media channel in Pakistan is what we should be looking at closely. Furthermore, this channel, funded by a fake corporation, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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