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Our Electoral system’s shortcomings

From the blog pamirtimes[image: Pakistan-Elections]Mushtaq Ali 289 candidates will be contesting polls for upcoming Elections of Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly.14 political and religious parties are taking part in 24 constituencies. On June 8thpeople will use their right of plebiscite .After the self-governance ordinance 2009 there is more ardor in people in relevance to Elections and polls. As the Election day comes near the hustle and bustle increases manifold times. Every contestant delivers enchanting speeches to people. They roam around people as they are in true service of people and they feel all the pains of people by heart. They go door to door and at every door step they assure that they will be panacea for all. People are prompted by instigating that they will get this that etc. afterpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Week in Review #20: Leading with Values

From the blog usmansheikh This week I read the transcript of an interview with the CEO of Uni-lever which quite insightful. He is one of the few CEO’s of MNC’s that interviews entry level candidates. This showed the level of importance that is given to hiring at the company. During the interview he mentioned the one thing that he looks out for during interviews is the an alignment with company values. Purpose and values go hand-in-hand. One states what you want to achieve, and the latter defines how you want to achieve it. Together they form the foundation on which a company is built. In the early days of a business, values are overlooked as a “nice to have”. They are left to be dealt with once the company grows to a certain size. This creates a large disconnect between the founders and employees as tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tight and Hot Figure Student in College Voyeur Vid

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Tight and Hot Figure Student in College Voyeur Vid: A blog post from Pakistan XXX at... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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