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Bol Exodus, House of cards started to fall

From the blog pakteahouse Malik Omaid NYT story on Axact which uncovered the business of fake degrees had been the talk of the town since last monday. Our readers would know that Pak Tea House did a followup story of twitter responses on the report on Axact by NYT. Axact in return sent a legal notice to Pak Tea House upto Rs. 500 million claiming for defamation of the company. We have shared it to our readers as it is equal to curbing our free speech and was unprecedented to sue a blog on merely reporting the events. After the Axact scam there was lots of talks on whether there will be resignations on ‘principles’ by heavy weights or not. My view was that if even one heavy weight Anchor leaves Bol it will generate an exodus from the group. This happened in the same fashion. Kamran Khan this evening anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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