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Hans-Holger Albrecht and Axel Dauchez February Albrecht

From the Blog newsApple: Deezer is going to be one of them, said Hans-Holger Albrecht, the new German CEO of the company who replaced Axel Dauchez in February, according to The News International. Albrecht said Deezer´s strategy is different from giants like Apple, which is due to come out with its own streaming offer. I think there is going to be four or five big players in the future. Apple will be a strongpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

One in Five Americans Dies Broke

From the Blog iabhopal It is the biggest financial worry for anyone saving for retirement: will I outlive my savings and die broke? Based on surveys repeatedly pointing to dismally low levels of retirement savings, most American households have reason to be concerned. The latest report on how many Americans die broke comes from an analysis by the Employee Benefits Research Institute based on data from the University of Michigan’s Health and Retirement Study. Of those 85 or older who died between 2010 and 2012, roughly one in five had no assets other than a house, according to the analysis. The average home equity was about $140,000. Roughly one in eight of those households had no assets at all. Those who died single at 85 or older fared worse, roughly a quarter had only some equity in a house — aboupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4079947625364592955 Pakistani Blog Posts


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