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Conservative Party and UK General Elections

From the Blog newselection: If it is of any interest, in the recent UK general elections, there was an unexpected Conservative Party majority and several longstanding politicians lost their seats, according to Daily Times. I remember reading an article written a while after the election interviewing the defeated politicians and they all admitted the heavy defeat with a touch of grace and humiliation. And whilepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

#Hot Secret Revealed! Infinix Pakistan to launch new Smartphone

From the Blog discomaulviThe #HotSecret that was promoting and everyone was talking about has been revealed: It is the launch of a smartphone by Infinix Pakistan.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Girl molested on a bus and pushed off, died

From the Blog iabhopal A 16-year-old Indian girl who was allegedly molested on a bus by the conductor and then pushed off while it was moving has died of her injuries, reports said Thursday, April 30, 2015. “A 16-year-old girl was traveling with her mother on the bus in northern Punjab state (India) on Wednesday when the conductor, a cleaner and a passenger harassed and groped them. Later on they were pushed and thrown outside the moving bus by the accused,” the police superintendent of Moga district H. S. Pannu told PTI. The news agency said the conductor and cleaner had been arrested and a search was on for the third suspect. The incident is the latest in a string of attacks on women to have sparked anger in the country and was reminiscent of the gang rape of a physiotherapy student on a bus in Nepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Jimmy Engineer: The artist, his inner voice, the lion story and a dream Des

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Jimmy Engineer stands with protestors at the 4th monthly remembrance for Peshawar school massacre, in Boston. Photo: Ehsun Mirza] Jimmy Engineer stands with protestors at the 4th monthly remembrance for Peshawar school massacre, in Boston. Photo: Ehsun Mirza *An article I wrote for The News on Sunday about the artist, humanitarian and peace worker Jimmy Engineer, The artist and more, May 3, 2015. Reproduced here with additional links and photos.* *“There is a long list of people who are activists and who take up causes who get killed. It’s an endless list, and it’s a senseless list,” says Jimmy Engineer.* I’m talking to this Pakistani artist and philanthropist on the phone, having him met a few times in the Boston area. Based in Karachi, he’s visiting the USA, currentlypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4329036113345671097 Pakistani Blog Posts


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