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Confessions of a Reluctant Perfectionist

From the Blog hassanqadeerbutt We live in a society that seeks measureable, verifiable and show-able outcomes of whatever we venture to do or have done. Certificates of doing this-and-that, Letters of recommendations, gold medals, bank balance, possessions, achievements, grades, things like that. We get so conditioned to the importance of that checklist that after a while, not being able to check even one item on that list makes us deeply unhappy. It makes us feel somehow lesser of a human being than others. We then crave perfection, and by doing that, we shun away our imperfect, yet beautiful side, considering it as a luxury those only idiots can afford. Stay in the cave and stay there until you are absolutely sure that you can kick every ass when you come out. And when you do come out, and when you are pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4345487364226646451 Pakistani Blog Posts


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