George Tyrwhitt: A true eccentric of the Raj
From the Blog odysseuslahori'Turwutt came to Nagar Parker at the head of an army in 1858 when Rana Karan Singh ruled over the place. A great battle was fought here in which the English were roundly defeated and had to flee for their lives. The Rajputs went in pursuit, and Turwutt was only able to get away with his life after a Meghwar tanner hid him under a pile of cowhides. Returning subsequently with an even greater army, Turwutt was finally able to overcome the Rajputs of Nagar. And not the one to forget the Meghwar, he allotted him a vast jagir.' Ali Nawaz Khosa, the elderly teller of tales from Nagar Parker fell silent. The tap-tap-tap of his steel tipped cane on the street became more pronounced. From afar the koel called, the moisture laden monsoon wind gusted down the corridor of the street and thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Economic Growth and Development: A Comparative Discussion
From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Book titled *Economic Growth and Development: A Comparative Discussion* by Dr. Matthew McCartney from Oxford University was launched by the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS) of the Lahore School of Economics on March 24, 2015. Dr. McCartney was accompanied by a group of PhD Scholars from Oxford University who were visiting the Lahore School of Economics under a PhD student exchange program (under which a group of Economics PhD students from the Lahore School of Economics had already visited Oxford University). Dr. Rashid Amjad, the Director of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies introduced Dr. Matthew McCartney and his work and also discussed the importance of understanding development as not only an issue related to economic growth but also an ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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