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Local community launches anti-drugs campaign in Gojal Valley, Upper Hunza

From the Blog pamirtimes[image: 11122335_10205608629947711_946039994_n]PT Report, Photo: Asghar Khan & Rehmat Ali Hunza, April 26: Students from various schools of Gojal Valley participated in an anti-drugs event held in Gulmit, the region’s Tehsil headquarters. The school students, teachers, parents, community leaders and youth had come together to raise awareness about the hazards of drug abuse and to urge the you to stay away from substance abuse. Speakers at the occasion said that the menace of drug addiction needs to be routed out of the society to ensure a healthy and safe community possible. Students performed skits and other interesting activities to raise awareness about the hazards of drugs. Officials from law enforcement agencies and government departments were also present at the occasion. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Kinnaird Models

From the Blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Kinnaird Models: A blog post from Lahore Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and fun... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6553158092963171423 Pakistani Blog Posts


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