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Pakistani Startup Leading Awareness Revolution

From the Blog smartchoice Approximately 60% of world's population has never experienced internet. This translates to 4.3 billion souls on Earth that have never progressed beyond yellow pages, dial phones, radio and television with no idea what Google and Facebook are. The sheer idea that on a single touch a person can access over 1 billion websites loaded with information, accessible instantly, is impossible for them. Recently Mark Zuckerberg took up the challenge to bring internet to unconnected people,, with the view to connect people from across the globe that have so far remained isolated from technology. The downside of this is that it is just half the work. While increasing the *'supply side'* of the internet to the people is commendable, anyone who has tried to teach the use of Googpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Standing on the threshold of a new age

From the Blog odysseuslahoriOnce upon a time when 'urbanisation' had not yet caught on, this was another country. Outside the urban centres, this was a land of wide-open vistas of swaying fields of wheat, rice or sugar cane as weather permitted. This was a land of spreading banyan trees that, I was learn much later, figured on one-inch army topographical maps as 'survey trees.' And this was a country of fine stands of shisham and acacia trees, roadside ponds ablaze with red and blue lotus flowers and fresh water streams alive with tortoises and fish. In those days of the late 1950s and through the following decade, when the family drove up the Grand Trunk Road to Rawalpindi or took the N-5 down to Multan, the ride was through a marvellous landscape. The Degh River just a few kilometres north of Lahore waspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Chapter I : "Media" sounds so fancy, isn't it?

From the Blog hareemdeebaOriginally posted on farazbbhura: I have been working in this industry for past 9 years and now it seems like that all will end here. After spending a good number of years working for the media industry, I feel that this is the place where I wanted to be. I am not a Guru or…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

چاند جیسی لڑکی

From the Blog sbgillani وہ ایک لڑکی تھی چاند جیسی اور اس کی آنکھوں میں چاندنی تھی اور اس کا چہرہ ہزار تارے بدن پیام بہار نو سا چمن کے سارے گلاب اس کے خرام کے سنگ جھومتے تھے اور اسکے آنچل میں روشنی تھی وہ ایک لڑکا تھا ابر جیسا اسے ضرورت تھی روشنی کی درخشاں آنچل کی نرمیت کی خماری آنکھوں کی چاندنی کی وہ ایک لڑکی جو چاند جیسی تھی ابر جیسے اس ایک لڑکے کی ساری دنیا فروزاں کرنے میں بجھ گئی، پھر نہ اس کی آنکھوں میں چاندنی تھی نہ اس کا چہرہ ہزار تارے شباب اس کا خزاں رسیدہ اور اس کے آنچل کی روشنی بھی بکھر چکی تھی کہ جیسے شب کے کسی پہر میں وہ چاند بادل کی اوٹ میں جل کے بجھ گیا ہو اور ایک لڑکا جو ابر جیسا تھا اپنی راتوں میں نور بھر کے کہیں کسی چاند جیسی لڑکی کی جستجو میں نکل پڑا تھا pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2993656171183548472 Pakistani Blog Posts


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