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Alibaba and China

From the Blog newsKylie Minogue: Alibaba has set its eyes on becoming an online-media powerhouse, with music, film and television, according to Samaa TV. The $210-billion firm has touted the potential for selling digital products as well as physical products in China, despite the country track record of users not paying for media content. The deal, one of the first in China made by a major music publisherpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Misogyny in the name of religion

From the Blog sanasaleem [image: What the likes of Sherani completely overlook is that this isn’t just about an anarchic women rights agenda but it is about men too. —INP/File] What the likes of Sherani completely overlook is that this isn’t just about an anarchic women rights agenda but it is about men too. —INP/File Not very long ago, singer-turned-cleric, Junaid Jamshed riled up a significant number of religious groups after a video of his diatribe was released online. It was the usual; Jamshed shaming women for existing, speaking of them as strange creatures who need to be ‘controlled’ but who can never be truly understood. What was different this time was that he channeled his chauvinism towards the Prophet’s (PBUH) wife. Like clockwork, Jamshed was pushed to release a video taking back hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 40720557035127297 Pakistani Blog Posts


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