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Updated: Family Hands Portrait

From the Blog ummeyusuf With addition of the littlest to our family, the Family Hands Portrait was due for an update. While I procrastinated, everyone who saw the portrait hung on the our bedroom wall, commented how it was missing a hand. So, I finally went to work and got the latest hand prints from the family members, last August. Since then, I have been slowly embroidering and have finally managed to finish it last month.The smaller hands have already grown a bit since then, mashaAllah. The new version (right) with the old one. Now that the new one is mounted in place of the old one, I do not know what to do with the old one. I do not have the heart to throw it away. Maybe I could incorporate it into some other project, any suggestions? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Lower Bari Doab Canal, Boundless Magnanimity

From the Blog odysseuslahoriBy the turn of the 20th century, much of the irrigation system inherited by Pakistan and India at Independence was already established. A part of this, the Upper Bari Doab Canal taking off the Ravi River at Madhopur near Gurdaspur, India, had just started to turn things around in the doab of Bari, the name a compound of Beas and Ravi. Ganga Power Station on the Lower Bari Doab Canal. In 1992, the station was renamed Zaheeruddin Babar Power Station by an over-zealous mob incensed at the demolition of the Babri Mosque in Ajodhya, India. Except the new name did not stick for more than a couple years. Plans were afoot for a second canal in this land belt. Designated as the Lower Bari Doab Canal (LBDC), it was debated whether it should off-take from the Beas instead of the Ravi, canpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1216205776844197506 Pakistani Blog Posts


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