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On The Road of Karachi - #iGraphy

From the Blog noorsplace Past week hasn't been the brightest, as for my gadgets. My laptop's screen got cracked and it took forever to be repaired. As if it wasn't enough, my iPod's charging cord got malfunctioned. It was the third one that betrayed me (in a very technical manner) . All these tech-tragedies completely broke my heart. I couldn't even blog and I missed an #iGraphy post. S for sad. B.U.T I am back this week and have a tons of pretty photos I took all around the city. I was working to get a photo to be submitted in a local photography competition but in between, I had a chance to take other amazing photos. Let me help you explore roads of Karachi a little. None of these photos were taken still, yeah I was travelling but kept taking photos of locations I found capturing worthy. The weather wapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8446648808171823351 Pakistani Blog Posts


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