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“Okay, what does ‘okay mean?” “It means, okay, I hear you.”

From the Blog r2square [image: colors-paint-splash-orange-blue-green-yellow-white-drop-black-background] I’ve had people as my friends. Few, but yes, there have been some. And I have always observed the exact same pattern with all of them, since I have been the same person and have attracted the exact same kind of people. Amazing people. Everyone was different. They were all strange and exotic in one way or the other. They all took a little something from me and left me with a little bit of them. Sometimes I don’t think I am this one person with my own thoughts or personality. It feels as if all those people made my persona and all those books fed my thoughts and imagination. Just when I think I am tired of the same thing over and over, something does actually happen.. I thought it only did so in mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8899022784420734479 Pakistani Blog Posts


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