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Men Reduced To Disposable ATMs And A Life Of Financial Slavery

From the Blog chowrangi To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize – Voltaire A man is obliged to earn for his wife but a woman is not forced to earn for her husband. This very fact proves that there is no such thing as gender equality. Men die on jobs [...] The post Men Reduced To Disposable ATMs And A Life Of Financial Slavery appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Here’s How the Good Guys Can Stop Finishing Last

From the Blog blog There is a scene in the *Avengers* movie, where Bruce Banner – the guy who turns into the Hulk – is asked, “how did you finally control your anger and can now turn into the Hulk on cue?” Now all through the movie, he is asked this question, and just before he could answer it, something happens and the audience is left in the dark. Till later in the movie, he says, “you asked me how I controlled my anger? You know the secret? The secret is that I’m always angry”. And then BAM he turns into the Hulk… and then of course continues to break everything. It’s a good, fun scene. And it reminds me of selling… To Sell is Human You never start selling and then stop selling. No, there is no start and end point. You are *always* selling. Do you think children need a seminar on sales? I hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pindi Girl Naked in Paris!!

From the Blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Pindi Girl Naked in Paris!!: A blog post from Islamabad Girls at The largest Pakistani... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6950883751161309865 Pakistani Blog Posts


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