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Free speech and sensibilities

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Saad Hafiz* [image: Paris] The ghastly terrorist assault in Paris at the office of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo is a direct attack on freedom of speech, thought and expression, the basis on which all open, democratic societies are created. The bedrock of such societies is the protection of life, pluralism, openness and freedom of religion, conscience and security. Whether we agree or not, the value of publications like Charlie Hebdo lies in what they represent: an aversion to giving in to illogical extremism of any kind and holding the right to offend people on sensitive matters like religion. Irrespective of what anyone thinks of their editorial policies, all who believe in freedom of expression and the democratic way of life must express solidarity with such magazinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 607803114933284198 Pakistani Blog Posts


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